If you can provide proof it is good, but most of us can't. We have some excellent folks on here who are amazing at tracking folks down and catching the ones who come here just to spoof us. I do think it is wrong to make sensational type thread titles. I think that makes us all look bad. I dislike those type threads b/c there really is no need to have a title that looks like it came out of one of the rag news magazines.
Many of us come on here and tell our story. We come from all walks of life and positions in the org. Our experiences are going to vary. Congo's do vary a lot too and also your location. We don't generally demand proof. We accept that this was their experience . If the story seems really farfetched I do question it and generally just bounce it out until I see more proof. Even then, I ask myself could their experience be due to jws who are acting on their own without the knowledge of the Boe? Do folks set up others in order to bust them- yes they do. Are there some crazy folks in the org? Yes there are just like there is in any org. Lastly, truth is often stranger than fiction.
I have seen some bizzare stuff in the org, so I don't discount things just b/c I have not experienced it. There are many things that have happened in the org that the wts did not command others to do. Some folks just have acted on their own. If a group of apostates can be busted just about any conduct can be justifed. ( short of serious crime) Is the wts going to print in the mags the things that have done or allowed ( or heard of ) in order to catch apostates? No of course not.
There is also commone sense. If you tell us all that a UFO landed at Bethel and took the GB as hostages, even if you have pics, I do not believe you. Duh.