I would love to see reform within the org
Reform would be a wonderful thing for current JW's.
I have mixed feelings about reform in the bOrg. If there were reform, it would have to come about to the point that the JWs become just another off-shoot sect of mainstream Christianity. In other words, just another church.
The upside of that is that if it were just another church, then maybe DFing/shunning would be out.... blood transfusions a conscience matter... no ostracism for personal choices that are currently "counseled" against. Those would be great steps in eliminating all the angst and frustration regarding this religion.
Yet what are you reforming? ... you're reforming a crooked organization that uses free labor and monies of its followers to continue to run. Who does it benefit? Jehovah? Hardly... It benefits the GB and their lackeys (and the Legal Dept). It's kinda like saying let's reform the Mafia. If they'd drop their more controversial practices (murder for one) then it wouldn't be so bad. People wouldn't have to fear them. Even though they're still crooks, liars, thieves... as long as they don't kill and enslave people then we could look the other way.
Instead, let's see the WTS become more authoritarian. Let's see them clamp down on things that most people take for granted. Let's demote that elder because his son went to college...or his wife took classes to get a degree so she can get promoted. Let's see them create rules and regulations with absolutely no biblical basis. Let's see them amp up the "end of the system" talk.
The more they put the squeeze on, the more people will react just like our new friend Franklin Massey.... they'll feel claustrophobic... they'll feel over burdened... they'll feel guilty and not good enough. And then they'll do the unspeakable...they'll Google "Jehovah's Witnesses" and the veil will be removed...they'll see the man behind the curtain...they'll become Neo escaping the Matrix.
But I digress... I was just gonna say "Welcome..."