FARKEL- Well, from the vast majority of comments , I'd say most of us 95 % + would like to hear your story ! ( Including myself ). And think about it - it would assist exiting JW's to see what you overcame in getting out of the cult. Don't allow a newbie poster to control you OR your freedom of speech. It's almost like letting the JW cult come back and control you. Think about it. Please put forth your story
No More Life Story
by Farkel 96 Replies latest jw experiences
@FARKEL, if you do not continue your store I am going to restore the life force of Leo Greenless and Edward Chitty and send them after you.
Is Bill still with us?
Inquiring minds want to know...
ps..Farkel, you have been here 6 months longer than I..surely you aren't going to let anyone run you off for saying what you want..we also share the same opinion of those that tell others to "Get a life"..
I will probably finish my story, but I will never and I mean NEVER post any more of it in here. Come to think of it, since I'm such a polarizing figure as opposed to say, someone who is freshly out and posts their stories (which are really the same as my story, after all) , and who receives a great welcome and support for sharing those stories, it is best for all that I don't ever put any more of it in here. It gives those who hate me an opportunity to attack me even further, or almost worst, try to "figure me out" by it. It's those who want to "figure me out" who scare me the most.
My story is a story like any other story. It just needs to be told and nothing more. Not debated. Not defended. Not publicly ridiculed or even praised in an open forum.
It just should be told. Because it is not really MY story so much as it is a typical Jehovah's Witness story. The only difference between all of our stories, when everything else is considered is that it was WE who personally lived them.
I will be contacting two other folks about putting my story up on their sites. They are both highly respected people in the ex-JW community and perhaps their sites would be the best alternative to here.
Here I can be a muckraker, but I shouldn't let myself become any more vulnerable to venal people who are like vultures and emotional vampires who get their kicks by sucking the life out of those people whom they merely don't like for various reasons.
Popularity is not all it's cracked up to be, you know. There is a definite downside to it.
Afterthought about egoism: AlanF and I had a discussion about that a few years ago. He admitted and I admitted we both have large egos and do what we do partly or mostly as a result of our egos or the satisfaction we get and the rush we get by doing something important in life.. Is that a bad thing, an evil thing? I don't know. I've always liked attention, since I never got any positive attention as a dub, so maybe I'm not the right person to ask. I CAN say, that had I an itty-bitty ego, I probably wouldn't have taken the thousands and thousands of hours I took to research and develop material that has done good things and helped many people.
People who do good things for lots of people at great personal sacrifice to themselves and their precious time are generally people with bigger than normal egos (whatever "egos" mean). For me, acknowledgement is the only payment I've ever received as a reward. I've received not one dollar in payment for my efforts.
Now, I'm also wondering if those who scream the loudest in vilifying me don't have "ego" problems themselves. Perhaps they feel so pathetic and useless and haven't made significant contributions, that the only way they can feed their own egos, is by trying to suck the life out of those who have made a difference. Maybe doing such things validates their own pathetic existence of non-contribution to others
Where are the archives of the collective contributions to mankind of my enemies in this thread, by the way?
"Popularity is not all it's cracked up to be, you know. There is a definite downside to it."
Yah, glad i'm not popular.
I am almost afraid to post this, but I could not help but think of you ( and myself for that matter) when I heard this song Young man's town. Vince Gill sings it . ".... just teach them what you know and pass it on down..." " sometime you gotta stand back and watch them burn it to the ground-- even though you built it, it's a young man's town.."
You and so many others like you built this. You have a lot to say and I am very glad you will be posting it somewhere so others can benefit.
If I have caused offense, I apoligize b/c I mean no harm.
Farkel, I, for one, would really love to read more of your life story. Thank you for sharing part 1. I am so sorry some have behaved as they have. You didn't deserve that.
:sometime you gotta stand by and watch them burn it to the ground-- even though you built it, it's a young man's town.."
Point taken. No offense to me at all. Each generation builds upon the efforts of those before them. My dad was beaten as a child all the time. My dad beat me once. I never laid a hand on my four children. I suspect they will even improve upon that with my grandchildren.
My children will likely not make some of the mistakes I made. This is a good thing.
Thank you for your observation. May the next generation in this "young man's town" not make some of the mistakes I've made.
It's all good.
"... teach them what you know and pass it on down.."
I am going to state this (may you all have peace!) and it will be my only post for today... maybe even for a couple days.. maybe longer, we'll see (because of threads like this... and others that specifically denigrate people, I sometimes have difficulty remembering the joy I often experience when coming here. This is one of those days, and so...). I could not have stated what I am before without raising a great deal of rancor... and may even do so still. Ah, well. Hopefully, though, some... even if only a few... will "see" what I mean:
Many wonder why God "allows" religion. The answer is: this. This post, those related to it that resulted in it, and many of the [very negative, villifying, unkind, even vengeful] thoughts expressed in it... is the REASON religion exists... and why those of who were... were allowed INTO the WTBTS.
If this thread and its similar counterparts don't explain it, then please, let me: it is because not all of us know HOW to live as a FREE people, a people NOT burdened and entangled and ensnared... as shown by not knowing HOW to love... even our enemies. We don't naturally know because of not having the Law [of love] written on our hearts. So... we need SEE it, what it looks like... with our eyes. Thus, the written Law. But that didn't work, either, so... what next? Pedagogues (spiritual "babysitters") over us to MAKE us learn/live it. Because, obviously, regardless of the reason... we can't do it on our own.
Unfortunately, most of those babysitters are hypocrites and so they eventually go beyond their teaching "authority," to the point of having the "babe" follow them... to a course ultimately consisting of a LACK of love. Contrary to what they are SUPPOSED to be teaching such "young" ones. Even more unfortunate, even with the written Law... and/or the teachers... some simply never learn. They cannot grasp the writing on "stone"... and they never "soften" their hearts so that it can be written there.
The [very] sad result? Man dominating man... to his injury. Some, even to the annihiliation... physically AND spiritually... of others... AND of themselves.
This is a saddening thread. Those like it are saddening, as well, regardless of who they come from.
Some of us forget (and I am not choosing sides - all are included, if the shoe fits) that this is a PUBLIC forum. Open to the world. For anyone to see. And if you were a JW at some point, I can't see how such conduct shows that now that you aren't, you're actually better off. At least, when you were among them... you were civil. You had to be. And although you may not have actually loved others, you at least acted like it. Now that the restraint is gone, however, who can you blame... other than yourself... for your own bad conduct? I understand: you're being "real." Really? I would think about what that means.
It's not what goes into man that defiles him, dear ones. It really is what comes OUT of him. And I say that to all with absolutely no "favoritism".
Again, I bid you all peace but today I have to say that I doubt that some really get what that means.
A slave of Christ,