Nation wide protest on the shunning policies of The Watchtower Organization!

by koolaid-man 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black
    coffee_black I said, it's just not my style.

    I think there are much more effective means of educating people....such as the internet. I'm not an in your face kind of person. I manned the 800-why-1914 helpline as time allowed for a number of years... and I think that is one of the most effective means of reaching people who want to be reached. I still volunteer as a referell. You can't drag a jw out of the organization. They have to want to know the truth about the truth. I clearly remember that when I was a jw, and encountered people picketing the assemblies... my friends and I would comment that they were just nuts. When I was a child my family knew a guy who picketed headquarters for years...Literally quit his job in Massachusetts to virtually live on the streets of Brooklyn and confront jws. He didn't accomplish a thing...his efforts were for nought. My parents believed he was unbalanced, and they were eventually proven right.

    Picketing a jw event just reminds me of Rutherford's tactics of standing outside churches with a megaphone, bellowing "religion is a snare and a racket".... We can look at that now and recognize that they were just being selfrightious verbal bullies.

    Picketing can get attention... but rarely has it garnered much media attention for xjws... Even the Silentlambs march on headquarters several years back hardly got any media attention at all...regardless of all the planning an 100+ marchers. That was the one and only time I have ever picketed in my life. In hindsight, I would not do it again. It had virtually no impact.

    In reality, the watchtower is a just a tiny organization, with little impact on the world as a whole. It's bigger than life to all of us, because we were victimized by it. On the world just isn't that important...and the media just doesn't care.

    I don't think you can compare xjw picketing with war protests or political protests... War and politics are 2 things that the media will report on all day every day. Those are 2 subjects that are constantly reported. The watchtwer? Not so much.

    JWs will just ignore protesters...or think they are crazy...and gossip all the more. It will convince them all the more that they have "the Truth", because you are "persecuting" them. The media will ignore you. Who do you think you will reach?

    Just my 2


  • watson

    Mad Sweeney...of the "undead class."

  • coffee_black

    40 decades, Mad Sweeney? Wow! You sure look good for your age!!!!!


  • Scott77

    coffee_black ,

    OMG! I see what you meant. Your new post gave me a time to reflect on the past. True, I agree the watchtower is a tiny organisation with no impact on the world scene. How then now with the sixscreen conference call-in? Is that also effective as well? If you have already listed to it before, what is your opinion as to its impact in helping JWs to exit the organisation? Is that a modern day version of 800-why-1914 helpline or anything closer to that?

    Thank you


  • ApostateDance

    This is awesome, I will look forward to it. The more people that become informed of what is really going on in the Society, the more action there will be to educate jw children in schools. Its sad how little, aside from a few facts and jokes, people actually know about the organization.

    The society is vigorous (as always) in their reign on witnesses, so there is little hope that this protest will reach, (as in convince, I'm sure this will appear as a lie or satans work in later watchtowers to induce even more contempt for 'worldly' people) jws. But I do think that with information so readily available, we can save future generations from the horror this cult has brought to so many.

  • coffee_black

    Scott77 The 800 Why-1914- Helpline still exists., and gets many calls monthly. The Six screens call in isn't the same thing. The helpline is there for a one on one conversation. It is not broadcast. It is totally private. Anyone can call in and talk to someone who has been there. Marilyn, who has manned the helpline for decades, is a licensed Counselor who was a jw for 25 years, and was a pioneer.

    I am not a fan of the Six Screens website. It's appearance is spookey...and in my opinion would scare a newly questioning jw to death...I think they would run in the oposite direction. Sensationalism in a website and call in show... is counterproductive in my opinion...calls more attention to the headline than the substance. I have met Rick Fearon, and he seems to be a nice guy.... I am sure he means well...


  • koolaid-man

    All of us former witnesses are not in competition with each other, we all have different ways in trying to reach people trapped in a cult. All of us no matter how we are doing it are making a difference. Lets work together in exposing the evils of The Watchtower Org. Anyone making an effort to speak up and try to reach those trapped should not be condemned but be applauded.

  • clarity

    Dear Rick,

    You've been sincerely working hard to liberate the unwary, for a very long time.

    Who's to say what approach will work, on any given day. Not me.

    I applaude your willingness and all the energy you put into it.

    "All life is a chance. So take it! The person who goes farther is the one who is willing to do and dare!". - Ward


  • Snoozy

    kool-aid man..

    I agree it takes all kinds..all never know when you may touch someone as the JW's used to say...


  • Scott77

    All said, I think personally that a multi prolong approach in which both protest, billboards, call in radio shows, the 1800-why.1914 etc all should be used as effective dewatchtowerization tool. The wider the target, the better the reach and the more effect on the audience.


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