I am watching this guy crying every five minutes because he is losing all his rat friends...
They have gone so far out to do it humanely..even going so far as to arrange adoptions for most of them. When he had to have one put to sleep he almost lost it.
What gets me is you would never guess if you met these people on the street or even just saw there house from the outside what was going on..
I remember as a JW going with another sister to one of her friends relatives houses to witness the conditions there. The husband had arranged for her to be gone so we could go see the house. It was horrible. She had small children that lived there and he was trying to get help. He said he couldn't do it on his own. The floors were soft from garbage soaking in it and decaying dog feces or?. The smell was horrible and there were no sheets on the beds. The kids beds had I guess dog feces all over them. I don't know where the kids slept or ate, there were no clean places in the house. The stove was covered with crusted food and dirty pots and pans and dirty dishes were everywhere.
I heard that the kids were taken away and the house was cleaned up to the point that a month later she got the kids back..last I heard was the house was headed back the same way we found it. The neighbor took the kids while the cleanup was going on..she said the kids were impossible to retrain..they were so used to living like animals too.
So much for trying to help..