The damaging effects of this apocalyptic religion on developing children is notable and apparent.
Just to show how extreme it can get I grew up with the PO son who lived just a few doors down from where I lived
and this kid was the terror of the neighborhood. There was so much hatred built up in his impressionable mind ( this old world ) that any
thing that wasn't related to the JWS such as schools, other children in the neighborhood and just a total lack of respect
for people of any age. The school that we attended was his biggest target, such as breaking windows , burning it with fire.
He'd pick a fight with anyone whenever the mood hit him, even made up a game of spitting on the worldly children when he
rode his bike to school.
All mentally infused by the notion that people who were not JWS are evil and they are going to die soon anyways.
Last I heard of him was back in 1988 and apparently had become a drug pusher. He did try and contact me by phone
but I made up an excuse and declined meeting up with him.
The WTS. does not know and does not care about the psychological mental health of people there're openly preaching to.
Another example, back in the early 70's when Armageddon was to arrive approximately around 1975, this heighten fear mongering
induced so much anxiety into some young teenagers they took their own lives, there were at least 3 JW teens in a span of 4 or 5 years.
Who says organized religion isn't dangerous or harmful to the public.