I was listening to a guy on YouTube, (21 crosscheck 21) and I thought he brought up a pretty valid point. He says JWs should stop preaching immediatly because according to them if I've never heard the "truth" then God would read my heart and I would be resurrected and given the chance to live forever. So basicly if some idiot knocks on my door trying to tell me the "good news" and for whatever reason I slam the door in their face, I've just condemed myself to eternal nothingness, but if they never came to the door in the first place, I'd be ok, or at least given the chance to pet lions forever? Am I wrong about this?
Am I wrong or would I have better chances for "Paradise earth" if I had never been exposed to the so called "Truth"?
by KristiKay 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
You would, according to their theology, be better off having NEVER heard the JW message so long as you die before the end comes. If destroyed by God at the end you have no hope.
Yep. And if you were baptized in and left, you're a dog returning to your vomit; and you have no chance unless you return. Nice, isn't it? Funny thing is the Bible never mentions being part of an organization as a requirement for salvation. Not once.
There was a JW email forward going around about how the angels make note of the heart condition or response of each person's door* that's knocked on. Which begs the question of why anyone needs to knock on doors, the angels could just fly around making notes on people. Waste of time, I think.
*Edited: The person's heart, not the door's.
Going by that twisted logic, it is extremely possible that there could be far more godless Red Chinese in the new system than JWs.
This is a true JW teaching, (or at least used to be), but they very seldom bring it up because it effectively negates the value of their door to door literature sales campaign.
Ignorance is bliss.
Iron Head
Odds are, getting witnessed to is a death sentence
I think you are correct. Strictly speaking you'd be better off having never being witnessed to.
isaacaustin got it right....The doctrine is crazy, but the dubs never think about it like that.
The folly is best evidenced by the resurrection belief. If a man living today when the "good news " is being preached , lives a normal material life then he is slaughtered at Armageddon.. However, his grandfather may have lived an identical life and died naturally. Grandad is brought back to life in paradise ! Is that fair? Is it Godly?
As somebody once put it on here ' The unrighteous living get death - but the unrighteous dead get life '! Sensible isn't it
So basicly if some idiot knocks on my door trying to tell me the "good news" and for whatever reason I slam the door in their face,
I've just condemed myself to eternal nothingness, but if they never came to the door in the first place,
I'd be ok, or at least given the chance to pet lions forever? Am I wrong about this?....KristiKay
You are Correct!..
Johnny tell her what she`s Won!..
"Miss KristiKay"..
"You have just won an all expense paid trip to"..
"WBT$ Armageddon!"..
"Where You and your Loved One`s"..
Will be Pointlessly Executed!..
KK as a witness I often thought about this exact thing. How much better off people would be if I didn't give them the 'accurate knowledge of truth' and left it up to God to be the judge based on their heart condition. But then I thought of Jesus. He was the greatest teacher who ever lived, a perfect man. The Bible says that he preached to entire crowds, and his message could reach hearts. He extended the invitation to become his disciple to a rich young man, who even though had a good heart, ended up declining it for he loved his riches. Nevertheless, this man and countless of others who heard and received the message from Jesus and didn't become his disciples will get a second chance by resurrection, according to WT doctrine.
On the other hand, JW are imperfect people. Many lack Jesus' skills and his ability to read hearts. They don't even have the accurate knowledge of truth as they claim, because the 'faithful and discreet slave' has disseminated and supported many false teachings throughout these years.
Why then will someone who declined Jesus' message get a second chance, while someone who refused to hear my mechanically-learned Watchtower or Awake presentation on a Saturday morning won't?? By saying that a person's salvation hangs upon his reaction to the JW message, we're actually saying our preaching work is more relevant than that of Jesus. There's clearly a contradiction there.