Everytime I have ever told an active JW about this forum and described it's designation they all, in essence, say the same thing.
They say that we are nitpickers, that we are all just rubbed the wrong way and can't get out of the state of disgruntlement that we have allowed ourselves to enter. Some throw in supernatural elements some just stick to human imperfection and call it murmurings.
These kind of assertions highly imply that our anger is exaggerated or misguided; that we don't have all facts and are drawing highly speculative conclusions.
As participants on this forum how do you refute such a claim?
My first thought would be to point out that "murmurings" is what created the Watchtower to start with. Charles Taze Russell was disgruntled with his contemporary assortment of spirutal groups; namely the one he grew up in. This sparked a fervent research in search of something that made sense to him, this eventually led him to his own personal enlightenment of which sparked the inception of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
It's ironic that the creation of the Watchtower was so human, because it is claimed to be so much more. It was merely a man who wasn't content with the spirituality presented to him not only by his guardians but also by the world around him. He had the money and the tongue to make a difference.
And here we are, many decades later and the same process has been borne from what he started all those years ago.
Facinating stuff, really.