Hi everyone, I have checked this site out every once in awhile as I was on my way out and as I found myself coming back more and more recently I decided I should probably become a member...
I finally made and account...
by AiAi 27 Replies latest jw friends
welcome, whats your story ?
Welcome, AiAi! Look forward to hearing more from you.
Wow! That's 3 new posters tonight.
Welcome to the board!
Sam Whiskey
Welcome friend!
Hello and welcome.
Welcome AiAi
Great to hear of another one leaving the Borg Printing Company :)
I can't help but think of your user name, Ai in Japanese means love . . .
Thanks, and yea I noticed more people were joining recently and kinda figured I should too - lurking sucks lol.
well my basic story is similar to many. My parents converted early in my childhood through the 'loving help' of some family so I am almost born-in. I was baptized at the wise age of 13 and at 18 too many things did not add up at were not being answered so I fell away. (I also wanted to have fun, to be fair) In that time I got my then girlfriend pregnant and married her then had my son 6months later but everyone in my family still treated me the same as before I left, they turned a blind eye to my obvious fornication and encouraged me to go to meetings. when I was 22 i decidedc to get more serious about my religious beliefs and since I had not concluded the JWs were totaly wrong it seemed the right place to start. but soon after going back to meetings my old questions came back along with new ones. but even after being gone for 4 years it still took a year and a half to bring my self to disassociate. whats funny is as bad as i was before my family still talked to me but now even though i am very upstanding morally they fully shun me...
thats definately not everything but a quick summary
AiAi; Welcome, looking forward to your input.
Hello and welcome!
Loz x