moshe ... Awake stops at 1970, Watchtower still goes back to 1950 in Watchtower Library CD
Simple explanation why "Anointed" # going up (from the CO)
by InterestedOne 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Since the WT CD only goes back to 1970
The Awake goes back to 1970. The WT 1950
For all the times they ever use the older WT's they might as well been cut off with the year 2000 (or last month)
So much new light... so little time
I see my typing skills are a little slow...LOL
ignat,,about the Pareto principle,,I am thinking that principle may fit the WTS,,20% are the leadership,,GB, Bethel, COs,DOs, Elders, Ministerial Servants and maybe reg. pioneers,,80% may not make it through Armageddon. :)
I think this video covers it pretty well and also shows why the CO's explanation is insufficient. If more JW's start to notice this, they'll have to make the number symbolic or print more articles about how some are probably mistaken or frauds. Shutting up the kingdom of heaven...
"He simply said that the society no longer says when the heavenly calling was closed."
One day he may say that the society no longer says when the Gentile Times ended.
It really doesn't matter more, since the latest light has rendered the first class anointed into second class status, and the second class other sheep into third class, just above pond scum.
The newest and most important class is now the Governing Body CLASS. Outside of them, anointed and other sheep are equally looked down upon by the "true" Faithful and Discrete CLASS.
I wouldn't be surprised that sometime in the near future, a Ted Jaracz wannabe will come up with an even NEWER CLASS which will render the Governing Body irrelevant, too. They will call it the "Chairman of the Governing Body" CLASS.
If course, most of us know that the real rulers of Jehovah's Witnesses, their policies and doctrines is the "Legal Department" CLASS.
Farkel, Bullshit Sniffer CLASS
I believe that the governing body orchestrated the increase in the memorial partakers.
A while back, the poster Cyberguy, quoted from a WT article here:
I made a comment on that thread, but no one picked up on it.
If you read that article, what is your take on it. Were they, or were they not encouraging certain ones of the other sheep that were extremely conscious of their responsibility to proclaim the "good news" to come forth and proclaim themselves as bread munchers and wine sippers?
An aside note on this, it does not ask for experts in Bible research or Bible knowledge. It wants those who are over- zealous for the preaching work world wide, which leads me to suspect that this article originated from the service department, the domain of Teddy Jaraszt.
Did the number of partakers increase after this article was published?
*smile* at Gayle.
Interested One, it seems to me that you're a worldly. Well, some time ago I had the same question. This is what people contributed:
I very much recommend that you read that thread. In addition to what people said there, in simple terms, the number of the Anointed keeps growing because this is one of the invisible crutches of WT-ism. They can't run out of Anointed if they want to stick to their current beliefs.
Did your CO tell you about the book "Millions Now Living Will Never Die"? That was almost a century ago. They also needed to stretch "The Generation that Wouldn't Pass Away" because, basically, they all passed away. They will continue to stretch whatever needs to be stretched, and to change whatever needs to be changed. Surviving is an organization's first and most important duty, and organizations survive no matter what. If they stick to the old belief when the environment changes, they die.
In 2005 two new members—Geoffrey W. Jackson and Anthony Morris were added to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Both started pioneering in 1971. The article didn't say when they were born or baptized but I doubt they were around in 1935.