More WTS misunderstanding. But per the Bible, the anointed were supposed to increase after 1991.
That is, when you apply the vineyard work of 11 hours to the WTS it indicates from the 3rd through the 11th hour workers that they would not be told in advance what their wage is. The 1st-hour workers were told they would receive a "penny", the day's wage, which represents the heavenly prize.
A half hour is 3.5 years (42 months) so an hour is 7 years. Multiply 3x7 and you get 21 years. So the 3rd-hour workers who did not think they would receive a full penny should have become apparent 21 years after 1914.
1914 + 21 = 1935!!!
So the TWO-CLASS SYSTEM among JWs is actually prophesied in the Bible and linked to the vineyard parable.
However, as the parable notes, ALL the workers get the penny in the end. It's just a surprise to everyone, including the 1st-hour workers who all knew in advance they would get the penny.
In other words, the "other sheep" who are the 3rd through 11th hour workers are invited into the kingdom (if they are awake!) after the work ends 77 years after 1914 in 1991. 7 years for each hour for 11 hours is 77 years.
77 + 1914 = 1991
The payment of the workers is during the 12th hour, or 7 years from 1991-1998. So technically from 1991-1998 there should have been an increase in the anointed among JWs, except, the invitation and payment didn't really start until Christ returned and celebrated the first passover after his return which was not until April 1993.
ANOTHER CATCH: But why not a huge increase after 1993? The reason is because the Lord's Supper was to end once Christ returns. He said to do this until he returns. Once he returns and eats that last passover then the Lord's Supper is no longer relevant to commemorating his absence!! So indeed there were more and more anointed being sealed after 1993 but they didn't partake of the Lord's Supper because Christ had returned in 1992!
Even so, some without full understanding or some still associating with the WTS who know in their hearts they have the heavenly calling might still partake and that would explain the slight increase seen of late. This is perfectly in line with two classes of anointed at the time of Christ's presence, some who are in the public and some who are in private. Two levels of doctrinal understanding would persist upon Christ's arrival; those who can handle the "new wine" and those who cannot who are "old wineskins." Christ does not put the new wine into the old wineskins. That right there tells you some in the kingdom will have advanced understanding and some chosen will still have some of the outdated beliefs but will still be accepted. Some who are associated with the WTS and with some outdated WTS doctrine still might partake at the Memorial, which does not disqualify their calling.
144,000 X10: The second thing is this. 144,000 is a small number. The WTS understands this to be the entire number of the elect. However, on reflecting Isa 6:13 the 144K represent the natural Jews and precisely 10% of the entire number:
ISA 6:13
13 And there will still be in it a tenth, and it must again become something for burning down, like a big tree and like a massive tree in which, when there is a cutting down [of them], there is a stump; a holy seed will be the stump of it."
Just backtracking a bit. Many know the gentiles are said to be "wild olive" branches grafted into a tree where the unfaithful Jewish branches are lopped off. But they are reminded not to become too self confident because the ROOT of the tree is still Jewish. This ROOT is 10% of the entire tree. Thus the entire number of the elect is 1,440,000!
In fact, when the call goes out to come to the wedding feast, sometime during the last hour between 1993-1998, many who are "invited" beg off and make excuses due to lack of spiritual understanding. As a result many of the seats in the kingdom for JWs were forfeited and went to others previously not invited at first. Thus their seats go to non-witnesses, non-Christians!
So if you are of the elect and understand these things, the increase of partakers makes perfect sense. It is indirect evidence Christ's angels are still sealing some of the 1,440,000 elect from among some of the faithful ones among JWs.
Of course, the GB was "disfellowshipped" by Jehovah on November 10, 1992 and it is now apostate. So partaking is only a formality. Obviously, as someone noted, these anointed ones insist upon partaking despite what references to the contrary the WTS explains!!! As noted, in the parable, the 1st-hour workers who make up the original anointed, would be shocked and murmur against the others who also get the "penny." So it was not Christ's intent to keep the 1st-hour workers in the loop of what he was doing with the "other sheep."
Now doesn't it make a whole lot more sense that at one point EVERYBODY would be invited into the kingdom? Of course! Just pre-1935 witnesses being of the heavenly class and those after 1935 being of the earthly class hardly seems impartial or practical. Of course, JW doctrine does not understand this, even though it is clear ALL the workers get the penny!
At any rate, there is little to contradict that those who still partake have legitimate chosing among the elect of the heavenly class. That also means that ANYBODY who feels this calling should respond to it since it could be a legitimate call while the door is still open. The marking of the world to survive Armageddon and to an extent the completion of the 1,440,000 elect is the only delay to the great tribulation beginning (i.e. U.N. forced to take over world government) followed 15 months later by Armageddon.