Rutherford frequented a brothel located near Bethel

by Scott77 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • thetrueone

    Why would anyone realistically be shocked to the bone about who and what kind of character Rutherford was ?

    He was a corrupt power playing opportunist who grabbed a hold of the WTS corporation and used its power

    to up lift his own personal stature. He was a lawyer that exploited the freedom of religion who disguised his deviousness

    with religious virtuosity and goodness. A modern day charlatan northing else.

  • Finally-Free

    Rutherford frequented a brothel located near Bethel

    I don't believe it. Most prostitutes have more class than that.


  • thetrueone

    In 1929 Jehovah's Witness president, Joseph Rutherford built for himself a beautiful villa in San Diego, California as his winter palace. (Pictured above) While most Witnesses suffered through the great depression, Rutherford lived like royalty. He drank imported liquor, smoked big cigars and drove a Cadillac. Rutherford conned his Jehovah's Witness followers into believing the house was built as a residence for the soon returning patriarchs such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He named the mansion, "Beth-Sarim." ("House of Princes" in Hebrew) He predicted that at any moment God would murder every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, except faithful Jehovah's Witnesses. The patriarchs would use this house as their headquarters to rule the world. Most Jehovah's Witnesses today know nothing about this scam. The property was quietly sold in the 1940's and Watchtower leaders have gone to great lengths to cover up this hoax. Thanks to Public records we have the evidence.

  • Scott77

    Scott you asked for a first Account. I have no first hand knowledge of this. Is anyone alive who would?


    @laverite; OMG! My mistake. No one is alive to tell the first account. I therefore is extending to second, third and forth account perspective. Or if you know or have heard anything about this Rutherford's brothel or sexual exploits or better I call it escapades, you are more than welcome to share the same with us here. To me, if confirmed, its going to be the mother of all watchtower hypocrisy. I am going to mourn for my stupidiness as to why I did not know this before and why I was fooled in the first place. Sigh

    I have no first hand knowledge of this. Is anyone alive who would?

    Rutherford DIED seventy years ago. Yeah. There must be millions of people who knew Rutherford intimately from the adult age of 20 back then to 40 back then who would now be 90 to 110 years old today who could bring forth first hand knowledge of that. We just need to find them.

    I'll get right on that one. I'll start with Google: "wanted: someone around a hundred years old who can provide "first hand" evidence that Joseph Franklin Rutherford frequented a brothel near Bethel. With pictures, please. Discretion assured." I probably should run that one on Craig's List, too.


    @Farkel ; Please, go for it. My concern is that, those people now old might be computer illiterate. They might not be able to check craiglist. May be a radio adverts might attract their attention. Please, update me.


  • mouthy

    I spoke to Jim Penton the other week. If you want to know about the true stories
    about "our" wonderful Russell & R utherford. Watch for Jim's new book he is writing
    All about this very topic. It sound VERY INTERESTING!!!!

  • thetrueone

    To me, if confirmed, its going to be the mother of all watchtower hypocrisy.

    You must be joking ..right ?

    You think this one supposed event will profoundly prove the pretentious fraud of what made up this disingenuous character.

    Come on get some fresh air .

  • Leolaia

    Scott77....Did you look at the thread I linked? It has specific information.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My father was a bodyguard to Rutherford and Knorr. Somehow Rutherford had more heft in my father's mind. Knorr was very much a factory.organization man. He told my mom that a group of his friends had access to a spyhole and watched Rutherford be intimate with a sister (name my mom knew; I do not) all the while preaching celibacy. The relationship was clearly sexual.

    He was full of stories of hypocrisy at Bethel but it did not dissuade him from believing Witness doctrine. There were several Bethelites in my family who made veiled references to nonchristian practices. They were troubled but remained faithful.

    I was just a kid. My mother was adamant that I would never date, much less marry a Bethelite.

  • thetrueone

    watched Rutherford be intimate with a sister (name my mom knew; I do not) all the while preaching celibacy. The relationship was clearly sexual.

    Rutherfraud knew how to coerce and manipulate people to get them to work for the WTS. and he did so by using religion as his vehicle of choice.

    It really was a venture of power and wealth, much that was hidden away from the rest of the majority of indentured slave's eyes.

    Unfortunately this exploitation continues on to this day.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Was Rutherford truly that charismatic? Perhaps even among the Witnesses absolute power corrupts absolutely. Would Monica Lewinsky have given old, old Bill Clinton a second glance were he not president? How about John Edwards' tramp? The one who doesn't believe in underpants but wants to be taken seriously.

    Sisters had no power of their own. No ability to make a living. No ability to show their knowledge of WTS doctrine. It had to be appropriated through a man.

    Aside from money, what allure would Rutherford pose to someone outside the society? I had conflicting thoughts about the saga of Monica and Bill. His private life is none of my business. On the other hand, he knew her age, knew her psychiatric history, and that she was abnormally smitten and a whore. Someone could take similar advantage of his own daughter. Chelsea was not better than Monica. During Congressional hearings it was both sad and comical b/c Monica insisted that she had nonsordid relationship. Her incredulity was amazing. The reps were blunt, explaining the power disparities and ethics. She insisted it was holy. The reps seemed to be ready to laugh at her.

    What specialty of law did Rutherford practice before the WTS?

    Contrary to Craig, allegedly soliciting gay bathroom sex, Clinton never painted himself as sexually responsible. The act isn't that bad. Rather, the sanctimonious nature is what makes it news. Married couples had to leave Bethel. When my parents married, the local KH shunned them.

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