Oh yeah, almost forgot my Kabar and what ever knives I've made lately.
When the Reptillian Anti-Christ is unmasked, what is your firearm of choice to kill our invaders?
by WingCommander 60 Replies latest jw friends
I'd be all over this like a fat kid on cake. I hope it's legal in Canada when it's released.
elderelite: Why did you go .223? Why not 5.56 so you can shoot both?
Elder, .223 is a caliber measurement (thousandths of an inch) for the exact same cartridge that is also referred to as 5.56 in European metric measurements (millimeters). They are not two different calibers, just two names for the same thing.
As far as "dynamics" of that caliber is concerned, it is well known to have substandard performance in stopping power under combat conditions. .308 NATO (7.62X51) is a much better man stopping round, although it has fallen into disuse in order to build a lighter rifle.
Depending on your physical size, you may want to accept more weight in exchange for more certain quick stopping firepower. It also has the ability to go through car doors and still do some damage. The .223/5.56 will fragment easily with only tiny disintegrating chunks of lead going through.
That does not mean that .223 don't have their place but it is a round best left for women and small men.
I'm old school, so my best choice for a .308 rifle would be an HK91. Barely kicks, and there's a ton of quality accessories made for it. It's expensive nowadays though.
Villabolo, thank you! I also understood it that way, BUT I was told that 5.56 was a higher volocity, higher perssure round.. thus a rifle designed to shoot .223 would not be sutable to shoot 5.56, even though techincally the same round.... just tryin to learn...
Ah, Outlaw......we gotta show how you really win a fight with Reptillian overlords.......Now---once they fill up on KFC and Canadian beer, you offer them some pure Canadian Maple Syrup (which no living creature can resist) or some poutine, which is totally yumilicious!! Soon, they'll be so damn full they'll forget all about enslaving us.
Villabolo, thank you! I also understood it that way, BUT I was told that 5.56 was a higher volocity, higher perssure round.. thus a rifle designed to shoot .223 would not be sutable to shoot 5.56, even though techincally the same round.... just tryin to learn...
Elder, I'm just guessing at this point, but it may have been a misunderstanding based on military ammunition which uses the millimeter designation (5.56). Some of their ammo may perhaps (?) be loaded to higher pressures than civilian ammo. If so, that would quickly wear out any rifle barrel including the military's. They won't care though because they can afford to replace their weapons easily.
Something light with a big kick, just a fictional as the Reptillian Anti-Christ it's got to kill:
The Noisy Cricket from the movie, Men In Black.
A nuke...