5.56 has a different leade (longer or shorter I forget) and it can cause a high pressure condition when shot in most .223 marked guns. .223 on the onther hand can be shot in any 5.56 safely although I am to understand that there may be a corresponding lack of accuracy due to the throat dimensions.
When the Reptillian Anti-Christ is unmasked, what is your firearm of choice to kill our invaders?
by WingCommander 60 Replies latest jw friends
I carry the keltec 380 at work. However on weekends I carry my FN five seven X 28.
A really flat shooter at 100 meters out.
For Zombies I have my AR 15 with 8 mags and at least 2,000 rounds of wolf ammo I got from amoman.com.
I am wondering what our brothers from the UK think of this tread about zombie killing.
Brother sooner, The 5.56 is a Nato round and it is a hot 223. It it best with a barrel twist of 7 to 1. Most AR 15 Barrels have markings for 223 and 5.56.
All Nato rounds are full metal jacket and just tumble inside the target. (not really good for zombie killing) A 308 has far more knock down power.
"5.56 has a different leade (longer or shorter I forget) and it can cause a high pressure condition when shot in most .223 marked guns."
It would have to be a heavier, thus longer bullet, to cause that kind of situation. It's been an awful long time since I've shot anything but I recall 55 grain being standard.
In my opinion, this is an indirect result of the cartridge's inherent weakness. The ballistic guys are trying to tweak more bang out of the same pipsqueak round. It would have been best, long ago, to have temporarily switched to the ballistically and man stopping superior .270 and then replaced it with a well designed 6mm cartridge/firearm.
PS: Don't you just love that ad that popped up?
Ok, sorry I was away for a while, but I'm back now to answer the questions concerning my build-up.
Firstly, to clarify, the 5.56 is a hot NATO round of the .223 Remington. I agree that the .308 is superior in every way, as is the 6mm. A .308 at 1,000 yards is like being shot point-blank to the chest with a .357 magnum - at 1,000 yards!!! (or meters, whichever you prefer).
Why am I choosing .223 here? Part of it is the economics here in the states. .223 is cheaper, as well as being much more available in large bulk quantities. Also, while I shoot for accuracy and distance, I'm not shooting out to 1,000 yards, so a .308 is just overkill the whole way around. While a .308 will punch through a tree with ease, a .223 with hit, fragment into several pieces, tumble around inside, and generally make one helluva mess out a zombie and/or alien if shot in the chest. If shot in the head, well - doesn't matter, does it? Dead is DEAD.
I don't even have an AR based platform, I am going to use a bolt-action Savage stainless target action mated to an XLR Industries stock, AI Magazine, and a nice Mil-Tec scope of some sort. I want to be able to legally hunt with this rifle as well (if I had the desire too) so I have several uses in mind for my build-up besides just killing zombies or some soon-to-be unmasked Reptilian Anti-Christ. My maximum desired distance would be 500 yards, with a .223 will do with ease. I just bought 200 rounds of Fiocchi .223 V-Max cartridges. :-)
My daily carry is a Diamondback .380 due to it's incredible concealability, great sights, and ease of cleaning. It's basically a slim, mini-Glock with better grip angle and ergonomics. Just a great pocket pistol. :)
Thanks for all the great responses guys, it's been a fun read (and different) here on JWD.
- Wing Commander
Sam Whiskey
I think this ought to about cover it...
Sam Whiskey
Same as above....50 Caliber. So.... fired from 1.5 miles away, if there were two "Aliens" having a coke and making Al Qaeda jokes, one of the two "Aliens" would see his buddy hit by a first bullet, and.....three seconds later, "hear" the shot fired. This bullet travels at 2,800 feet per second. That's just about 2 seconds per mile..... sounds travels at 1,126 feet per second,....half the speed of the bullet. Bottom line, the Alien would be green goo before he ever even heard the shot. Only the second surviving Alien would have time to take cover from the "warning" shot/death of his Coke drinkin', Al Qaeda jokin' pal....
Sam Whiskey:
"This bullet travels at 2,800 feet per second. That's just about 2 seconds per mile..... sounds travels at 1,126 feet per second,....half the speed of the bullet."
You forgot to take into account the fact that the bullet drops markedly in velocity at such distances. That would shorten the time between impact and sound.
Funny thread (may you all have peace!). I don't know what a Raelian/Realian Reptilian is but I would wonder how one would actually tell one seraph from another. I mean, to be able to say the anti-Christ is reptilian... as if all who are reptilian are bad. ALL spirit beings are seraphs (fiery, flying serpents)... and appear "reptilian" in their true state (some are flesh-eating and so Bible copyists have mistransliterated them as "eagles" (i.e., flesh-eating flying things... or birds of prey), which is an error.
But that's why the Adversary is called a "dragon" (a "serpent with wings")... and why "scales" fell from Paul's eyes (they came from my Lord himself to protect Paul's eyes from being completely burned by HIS fiery appearance (at it were, Paul's eyes were irreparably damaged).
With slight variation (i.e., hair, eye color, skin color, etc.) that depicts "rank", they ALL look like... well, gargoyles is the closest I can describe them. Although they stand upright as we do (vs. crouched like gargoyles). Except one: Belial, who is called Satan and Devil - for his error he was condemned to crawl and so he is considered to be among the "creeping things." (And he does look quite creepy doing it, too!)
"Quetzalcoatl" provides some similar description (note, the "snake/bird" description is an error; he is actually a seraph (serpent) with wings).
Even funnier to me, however, is how some believe their manmade ordnance would have any effect. In truth, they are little more than clothes pin/rubber band "zip" guns. Some no more than cap guns. Seriously, some of ya'll been watching way too many "War of the Worlds" type flicks. Guns and missiles only work on flesh with its blood... or in man's fantasmagorical cinema. They have no affect on spirit beings... which don't die.
Not to worry: no need to even concern oneself about such things until at least a thousand years or so AFTER my Lord returns. Not that they'll work then, either, though. In the meantime... keep and play with your toys. Just take care not to harm anyone who didn't purposefully call for it (i.e., an armed burglar, etc.).
A slave of Christ,
SA, who also marvels at man's fear... of SO many things: real AND imagined...
A supersoaker filled with liquid nitrogen.. effectively a kind of anti-reptilian flamethrower.