I have noticed that people that hold no faith in the bible can easily find reasons not to believe it is god's word. likewise, I have found that when one does hold faith in the bible they can continue to believe it against any contrary evidence. the torah not being written by moses is not a big deal to some, neither are the two creation accounts in genises. In fact, some go so far as to claim that some scripture is of god while others are just the writters opinion (although they never explain how one can tell which is which). I do understand that despite all evidence, no matter how compelling, some will never change their opinion.
My question is: Is there a biblical 1914? or 'generation' teaching? something that to a reasonable and openminded person would be enough proof to discredit the bible, just like those two teachings are enough for some to leave the watchtower? I guess my question is along the lines of the post 'Punchdown arguments' except focused on the bible. I no ultimatly anything can be reconciled to fit with the bible somehow, just look at the borg; but what seems, at least to you personally, as strong enough proof the bible is just a book that one cannot ignore or explain it?
EDIT: I am not asking about 1914 I am asking if there are any biblical passages or other such things that can be used to prove the bible wrong