In another recent thread, I posted something I wrote as a teen re preaching I did at school that was quite negative about gay people. I posted that to show that, indeed, attitudes can change. The Society tells JWs how they should think, and they have very definite homophobic opinions about homosexuality. Many leave the JWs with those attitudes intact but others change them when they actually get to know people in this situation. The same is the case sometimes with JWs still in WRT to family. My aunt has a gay daughter and not only has she not shunned her but has considered her partner as family. This has become especially clear recently because they broke up but my aunt still wants to have her ex over for family things. And my aunt has been a JW since the '50s and is very involved in the congregation. Maybe this is rare but I think even among the R&F (especially the youth) attitudes may be slowly changing. The Society has come to recognize this and recently published a YPA article directed to straight-identified teens reassuring them that they shouldn't be ashamed or embarassed to express their anti-gay attitudes when preaching at school; this acknowledges that an increasing number do feel relunctant to parrot the JW position or afraid that their peers would think them to be homophobic. I wrote a full-length analysis of the thinking in this article when it came out several months is very revealing.
Johnny the Bethelite - Homophobic?
by laverite 39 Replies latest jw friends
do you have a link to what you wrote about the YPA article?
Took a while to find it since Google doesn't work:
Broken Promises
I would be surprised to see a JW who wasn't "homophobic".
Not that a mere comment necessarily makes them homophobic. They may be simply parroting what they've heard others say, without thinking of how it sounds to others. Or it could be peer-pressure - they use such statements lest they be labeled pro-gay or worst, gay themselves.
Like Leolai, it took a little while after I was out, in order to break free of such thinking and speaking. It's based more on ignorance than anything else.
Since: A phobia is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people
How does this sentence makes sense? :
Everyone has a right to be any type of "phobic" that they want
Judge Dread
Since: A phobia is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people
I have yet to hear ANYONE say they are AFRAID of homosexuals.
So then, cyber-clown, how is one, using your definition, "homophobic"?
Judge Dread, so much for addressing the issue and instead calling me names. Does that make it easier to avoid answering the question?
In other words, if a phobia is something you can not control, not optional, can you really have a right to it? like I have the right to fear elevators?
I would be surprised to see a JW who wasn't "homophobic".
As an active JW, I am not a homophobic and embrace their right to love who they want. years ago when the lifestyle was not as accepted I did not understand nor was I around "open" homosexuals. I was probably more shy around them because I did not understand or know what to say. After being very good friends for ober 12 years with a co-worker my eyes were opened and I love ALL of my new gay friends.
I get uncomfortable if a hetero couple shows alot of PDA, I would feel the same with a homosexual couple. The WTS preaches love for all and while most JWs can be homophoic they are not following the teaching of love. We are all sinners according to the bible teaching. How can we judge someone who is attracted to a person of the same sex?
Lav is VERY loving and caring to all. I have the utmost respect for him and wish we lived closer. I would love to get to know him and his family.