I've been told this by many Witness peers over my life, especially when talking about apostasy...
That's how the Governing Body likes to run things; if you leave their Organization and are still true to "Christian Morals and Ethics" then you are "having your cake and eating it too." For some reason they don't believe that you can live a life acceptable before God without their micromanagement in all our lives.
I wanted to tell you guys/gals an analogy I came up with:
You have a son and you want to to get him vaccinated for Whooping Cough because it's going around. A friend recommends to you to a family practitioner, we'll call him Dr Joova. Dr Joova takes you and your son into the back room and administers the vaccination... but the needle used is thick and rusty and has been used before. After a traumatically painful experience your son (and you) you both return home. Your son becomes ill and almost dies because of the abusive application of the vaccination.
When you return to Dr Joove and ragfully explain what happened he shrugs it off and replies, "Well, I got the antibodies in there didn't I? He's not dead is he?"
Jehovah's Witnesses do teach some valuable ethics to their youth and that, in itself, is admirable. But the admiration melts away when the application process is needlessly painful and traumatic.
Teaching kids morals and ethics is not by any means easy, but it doesn't require the isolation from the outside world. It doesn't require fear mongering the end of the world and constantly being aware of your "chance" of survival (gladly calculated by the Governing Body). It doesn't require developing a distatse, or even hatred, for alternate lifestyles.
If fact, there is no hand book of how to raise a child. There are basic guidelines (as well as man made guides) that can help us along our way. Parenting cannot be limited to the policies of a man made guide because parenting is so different from child to child.
If a group of humans get together and write a book on the parenting then tip your hat to them... but if they try to enforce that parenting by means of some sort of blackmail or guilt? Make sure you have cabbages on hand for such occasions.