In another thread you described your understandings of the New Testament as being those of a "Preterist." Would you please descibe what that means exactly? As I understand it, Preterists believe that when Jesus referred to the coming end of an age and to the time he would return to judge the world, he was referring solely to events which took place during Rome's initial siege and final destruction of Jerusalem (between the years AD 66 and 70).
I believe Preterists also believe that we will all experience the return of Christ in a personal way when we meet our Maker on Judgment Day. I have also heard that Preterists believe that the book of Revelation was written before the year AD 70 and that all of its prophetic content refered to events which took place before or during that year. And they say that the thousand year reign of Christ spoken of in Revelation refers symbolically to the many years of the Church age.
Are my present understandings about Preterism correct? If not, will you please correct them for me? And will you please tell us anything else that you feel is important to know, if we are to understand the basics of Preterism? For instance, if Christ is not returning to set all things right during a thousand year reign on earth, how will all things be set right? By the efforts of Christians? Or do Preterists believe things will probably never be much different than they are now?
I look forward to your answers. Thank you.