Preterism questions for Hillary

by Faithful2Jah 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Good thoughts, Rocky. I tend to be a preterist, and was surprised to find out that it isn't all that new of a theory. I finished "The Age of Reason" recently. (written by Thomas Paine in the late 1700's), and he referes to preterism too. I realize that the theory doesn't work for all the prophecies, but I also have come to believe that the Bible isn't all that relevant to us, so no biggie.

    "The Age of Reason" pretty much exposes the main contradictions in the Bible, and there are so many it isn't funny. Some things can be explained with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but most of his arguments are pretty hard to dispute.

  • hillary_step

    Hi Faithful,

    Thank you for your note.

    I am pleased I was not able to answer your questions immediately as others have saved me an effort, which to a lazy person like myself is invaluable!

    The end times statements made in the NT make no sense to me unless they are seen against the C1st backdrop of Judaic national aspirations. It is quite clear that Paul, James, John and Peter had intepreted Christ's words as applying in their situation. I believe that that is how they were supposed to be applied.

    Applying our own individual and future interpretation to these prophecies have done little but confuse a quite simple scenario. Individual interpretations will provide as many viewpoints as people uttering them and have caused ruin to millions. 'The Pursuit Of The Millenium', by Norman Cohen provides a well researched view of the misery exacted by a non-preterist view of the NT.

    An example of how logical the Preterist view is, can be found at I Thess 5:3, the now infamous cry of 'peace and security'. One has no problem applying this utterance to the the destruction of Jerusalem a few years after its being written. The triumphant Jews, feeling that they had shaken of the invading forces of Rome in the late 60's CE, cried peace and security, stamped a new coin for the foundation of a new state, various Messianic groups in the city took the credit, but instant destruction was upon them, when the Romans returned and scaked Jerusalem.

    Absolutely no evidence exists to allow for an application of such a verse to a time beyond 70CE, yet people play footsie with it until their noses glow cherry red.

    Another excellent book on the subject is Sproul's, 'The Last Days According To Jesus' where he offers a variety of differing views of the issue.

    Now I need to note a disclaimer at this point. I actually said:

    Having a Preterist bent myself, I see little need of chronology beyond the C1st and view Fundamentalism and Christianity as diametrically opposed disciplines.
    I would probably describe myself as a partial-preterist if I had to, but I have learned from the past and will announce myself more of a 'searcher' than a 'founder'. There are a number of scriptures, Matt 25 for example that to my own view seem to have a future aplication, but no doubt full preterists will give their own views on this.

    I resist labels, and am open to all viewpoints that do not cost me money or wallow in vulgarity. I believe the true Christian message as proposed in Matt: 5-7 to be some of the most inspiring and uplifting advise ever presented to man, and I would like to try my hardest to live by them. Martin Palmer in his book 'Living Christianity', offers an iconclastic view of what true Christianity is. It really impressed me, and I would encourage all who are struggling to free themselves from the sticky arms of the WTS to read it as part of their exiting requirement.

    As for my future, well I hope to be lowered into my tomb as cranky and confused as first I was when I squeezed from Mamas womb, but this time dead of course! So far I am on target......

    Thanks Faithful -- HS

  • Faithful2Jah

    Everyone who responded: Thank you. I didn't realize it but I guess I too have long been a partial Preterist. However, after reading all your comments, and some articles at the Preterist Archives, I still have some questions about Preterism I hope someone here can answer.

    Mainly these: If Christ is not returning to set all things right during a thousand year reign on earth, how do preterists believe all things will be set right? Or maybe they don't? Do Preterists believe things will never be much different than they are now?

  • Mr Rocky
    Mr Rocky

    Hi Faitrhful again:
    These questions are probably the most perplexing ones to answer whether or not a futurist kingdom believer (partial preterist or dispensationalist/futurist) or a kingdom already is(full-preterist).
    Full-Preterist is inclined to say the kingdom is already going, therefore it is at your death that you go to the presences of god(the paradize. So at 70A.D. everyone in the graves were raised and the rest that were alive at that time were changed to life and then at death never die at all! We too once we become follwers of Christ have the same reward. Another words you go now straight to heaven in the twinkling of an eye. Don't ask me about the ones that don't believe am stll trying to work that out. So the kingdom means that you are not stuck in hades after death in that way righteousness riegns.
    Partial-Preterist tend to vary on what is to happen. It would appear that some can concieve of earthly perfection system (ones who have a JW back ground tend to do so,as well as other non-JWs). Others would tend to say you go to heaven in the future but as of yet you go to the grave when you die.
    What becomes really interesting is trying to figure out where you would put Ray Franz and Carl Olaf Jonsson's view if you were to label them. I would say they are a Part-Partial-Preterist. Carl at least admits to a kind of coming of god on the Jews of 70A.D. With a bigger and better one in the future (an Armageddon and kingdom set up that is). But somehow all us beleivers go to heaven now(I think thats how it is anyhow)and apparently the reserection of the righteous and uglys are in the future. It is truly hard to label belief systems because of the mix and match that we do. Most Partial-Ps would have the 1000 year riegn as this gospel age right now.
    So Full-P would leave the earth as it is and Partial-P can have something for the earth and/or heaven thing happening in the future.

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