Paul took it and transformed it to another system of rules,
As a woman, I really wanted to take issue with Paul (may you all have peace!), as any self-respecting woman would. I am just as "capable" as any man: I can and have supported myself, raised children, conducted business, bought and sold property, and more. And now, I have received the holy spirit just as any man can and has. And... I have been permitted, even directed, to share much of what I have received from the Holy Spirit... with women AND men, alike. just like any man. But how can that be, given Paul's (?) teachings? Through the spirit that I received, I have learned that, as Paul (?) wrote, "There is neither male nor female..." among those who were baptized into [the Body of] Christ - all such are sons of God.
Given that, I needed... had... to "understand" Paul, first, in order to put faith in what I heard and follow through in sharing it, and second, in order to reconcile my waxing and waning "love" for him. How could a man who so sublimely explained love and a great many other things pertaining to the spirit realm... with which MY spirit bore witness to the TRUTH of... have such an oppressive, bigoted, unchristlike view of women??? And so, I did the simplest thing I knew how: I asked. And I received a reply.
Truthfully, dear ones, when we think of Paul's views of women, we CANNOT overlook that these were Jewish/Israelite women. They were part of a PROUD people (often, overly so!): they were Abraham's SEED! So, okay, they had been exiled into Assyria and Babylon for their "error." Yet, per the Prophets they were told that their error had been pardoned, that they would be restored! And so, the return to Jerusalem and rebuilding of the temple was, to them, PROOF of that restoration. And NOW... Messiah had arrived and set them "free"!
So, now, who were the Romans to tell them anything?? Who were they to say a woman could not do such and so, and certainly not in public? If Messiah had come and now set them free, why COULDN'T they just ignore the Romans? Were they not now ever "better" than the Jews who did NOT put their faith in Messiah?? They thought so - they're national pride often convinced them (the Jewish converts) of it... and now being considered somewhat "better" than the Jews did so for the gentiles.
That pride, however, could have gotten any... if not all... of them killed.
Paul, however, knew... unlike even some of the Apostles... that what my Lord had meant when he spoke of them being free... was with regard to the LAW [Covenant] and so the SPIRIT (so that now they could love, even associate with... gentiles... which they could NOT do under the Law!)... but NOT with regard to the FLESH (which could/would still die)... and thus, the laws of man (which could be used to condemn their flesh to death). Being a Roman, he also knew what going against Roman law could result in... for ALL of them!
But, being that they were Abraham's seed... many of these were still a bit hard-headed... and stiff-necked. And so, although they had received an anointing [with holy spirit] which set them free SPIRITUALLY... they did not all know how to live... as a [spiritually] free people! Much like those today who are set free from religion (particularly the WTBTS), yet return to the same "low sink of debauchery" they resided in BEFORE enslaving themselves to religion... and, for some, the Law Covenant. And I am not speaking of general immorality, sin of the flesh... but of hatred, and jealousies, and covetousness... and wickedness that originates with the SPIRIT. Even so, what do most demonstrate, even today? That they are unable to live... WITHOUT law. Of some sort or another.
And so Paul used what he knew: the Law.
Does that mean that all that Paul taught was correct? Not at all. Nor was it incorrect. Paul made the mistake of making himself a "teacher". Yet, Christ said "Do not any of you be called 'teacher'... for ONE is your teacher." So Paul SHOULD have simply sent them to my Lord... rather than trying to take them on as HIS own sheep. He let his [misplaced] need to lead and [misunderstood] obligation to Christ... put him in a position he himself came to regret. He did it, though, because of his training... and his love. He wanted to present them as a chaste virgin - what he forgot is that it wasn't his to DO - it belongs to my Lord.
We can try to judge Paul, sure - he absolutely went beyond the Christ at times. But any who do so judge should be careful in their doing so, particularly if they did the same thing (i.e., taught lies to and/or tried to place under Law and/or set themselves up as teachers [over] the Body of Christ and/or others]. This includes, but isn't necessarily limited to those who WERE church/religious leaders/pastors/priests/elders/COs/DOs/pioneers/bible study conductors, etc.). Because if you did it, how are you any different? You're not, really, and since you had the same admonition... to listen to CHRIST... versus listening to men... even Paul... the excuse that you were misled may not fly. And so, the SAME judgment with which YOU judge... may end up being YOUR judgment.
What can you do, then? Leave it to God and Christ... while YOU endeavor to listen to the One who speaks... from the heavens. And that is what you SHOULD be sharing, what you receive from him, and encouraging others to seek. Not your [own] words... or Paul's (if they don't comport with what that One, the Holy Spirit, says).
I hope this helps and, again, I bid you all peace... as well as ears to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself on this matter, if you so wish it.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... and a slave of JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies,