lol silly red dot
What is happening to JWN ?...So many topics not relating to Jehovah's Witnesses!
by koolaid-man 118 Replies latest jw friends
Lion Cask
koolaid-man, you seem like a Roberts Rules of Order kind of guy. Am I right? Communities change, that's just the way it is. Stick around and it will be different again. Real world. So, relax, enjoy the dynamic, and you won't get crapped on so much.
Hey Josie..
Koolaidman Pissed off JRK..
JRK threw a few Fbombs..No big deal..Thats JRK..
Koolaidman likes the easy posts..The F-bomb was right up his alley..
So he points to JRK as an example of things he doesn`t like here..
Mouthy gets upset..Now she`s on a bit of a vacation..
If KoolAidMan spent more time,on making his own Talk Show Interesting and Credible..
He wouldn`t have as much time to complain..
About the Unbelievably Successful JWN WebSite and Our Members here..
Rick - I have been on the board about 4 years now. I have been assisted greatly by being on this board as it has shown me many ex-JW's like myself have similar challenges in moving on in life . With all the experiences of fellow JWNers to help me - I have come to see different ways to successfully deal with my 7 years out of the cult. I have enjoyed assisting others as well to move on after being under JW mind control. This board has benefitted MANY people ; whether or not it's changed THAT much over the years - I think not.
We were not allowed to discuss candidly topics about sex, or use occasional foul language as Jehovah's Witnesses or we feared we would be struck with lightning. This board allows a great amount of freedom of speech within the perimeters of the rules Simon lays down. If you have an issue with the board- take it up with Simon. You do seem to be getting benefit of advertising on this board for your show ( as Outlaw said ) so it might be a good idea to lighten up your criticism a bit.
I understand that perhaps you have ill feelings due to some who criticized you about the " Johnny the Bethelite " show you had. I can understand how you felt bad over people not believing it was legitimate . And getting attacked verbally by a larger number of people putting you in the minority. I get that. I'm sure it may have hurt your feelings . I disagreed with how you were dissed. I was not one of those people. I try to keep an open mind towards many different approaches to help expose the WT society as you are attempting to do too on your show. I admire your dedication towards what you are trying to accomplish - however you need to rise above your detractors and either shrug off the criticsm you have received if you disagree with it - or accept what constructive criticsm may help make your show that much better.
By coming on this board and perhaps lowering yourself to get into a tiff over how THIS board is run - makes you appear no more ethical than the board you are criticizing. I don't see many people coming on your program criticizing it on air. Just being real here my friend. I think ALL of us need to show more tolerance towards the variety of ways to expose the WT society
Flipper, sound---as usual!
"I think ALL of us need to show more tolerance towards the variety of ways to expose the WT society."
I tolerate the JWs.I tolerate christianity. But i hate tolerating exJws bringing JWs to christ. F that. ...with all due respect ...having said that Hi Flipper how are you :)) isnt that the whole scheme of 6screens?
Jws just can not understand that the only thing some Xjws have in common is we were once jws, and even that experience varied a lot. I would hear them say that the apostates would destroy themselves b/c they were not united. They just did not get it --Xjws are not a religion.
Thank you Flipper, my topic is not saying I do not like this forum,I do like it. I simply feel the board is changing. All I am is the paper boy delivering the message. If your paper boy delivers you the newspaper and you do not like the message you don't shoot the paper boy. I know OUTLAW is going to have fun with this post ......... go ahead OUTLAW take it away.
False analogy: the paperboy who delivers the paper isn't typically isn't the editor as well, but in your analogy he would need to be--or at least a contributing writer.
Note the home how it has changed.
Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum
The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!
Many of the posts have nothing to do with with Jehovah's Witnesses and new ones coming on this board would be turned off by the
content of many of these off color posts. Foul inappropriate language which is not proper or suitable for exiting witnesses to visibly inspect.
Many post are designed with a sexual complexion, instant turn-off for new ones coming in. Narcissism runs rampant on this board,
just what a doubting jws wants to see,apostates who love themselves. What do you think?.....KoolAidMan
Thank you Flipper, my topic is not saying I do not like this forum,I do like it. I simply feel the board is changing.
All I am is the paper boy delivering the message. If your paper boy delivers you the newspaper
and you do not like the message you don't shoot the paper boy......KoolAidMan
"I`m just the Just the Messenger"..
"I don`t know Who the Hell used my Account and wrote all that Bad Shit about JWN"..
So ..Your not the Author of this thread?..Somebody wrote it for you?..LOL!!..
Your 1st post is daming..The one above trys to Distance Yourself from your Own Words..
You Exaggerate the Promotions you Advertise..(World Wide WBT$ Protest)..
You don`t take responsibility for the Credibility of the Advertised Guests on your Talk Show..
You don`t take Responsibility for your Own Words on JWN..
("Somebody else wrote it..I just delivered the message"..)
It`s all BullShit and you Know It..
You have an Incredible Opportunity..
You have your own Talk Show..And..You have a Place to Advertise it..JWN..
I think Most People including Myself,would like to see you Do Well..
Really make 6 Screens a Force to be Reckoned with in Watchtower World..
Your turning 6 Screens into a Weekly Joke..
You may never get Another Chance like this,in Your Lifetime..
Stop Fucking it Up..