1914 to be abandoned around 2016

by Alfred 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Botzwana

    LS, I don't want to see Armaggeddon. Why does God have to kill many people? I figure wicked people are those who molest children etc. Why am I wicked when I am living a good life, just not spirtually inclined?

  • thetrueone

    As Armageddon was created in the imaginary minds of out the seers of the ancient Israelites as to create a notion of security

    and protection offered by their god to the Israelites, it is still an imaginary story of fiction which at one time had a plausible purpose.

    In are modern times it mostly exploited to sell literature, movies, radio shows etc.

    And as a vehicle to cull followers out of fear toward a organized religious cult as well.

  • villabolo

    I think the Governing Body will do with 1914 what their step-parents the Seventh Day Adventists did with 1844. They will not drop it but just let it fade away into obscurity with a watered down meaning.

    The Seventh Day Adventists no longer believe that Jesus is coming back in 1844, of course, but they spiritualize it in a way similar to what the Jehovah's Witnesses did with 1914 when they where expecting it to be the start of the MIllenium with direct rule.


  • thetrueone

    On a religious aspect involving 1914

    Please tell us what scripture did the WTS use to base this calculation concerning 1914 after all.

    Jesus clearly stated that no one shall no the time of his return, not even his FDSL.

    To even make a calculation is deliberately going beyond and against what is written in the bible.

    Did Christ's return have something to do with a lot of money ($) spent on printing presses and paper.....ummm ?

    I guess thats just being too logical and reasonable of an assumption.

    Also that god choose the Watchtower Publishing Company as his direct channel of communication to all of mankind.

    Too much logic does makes the brain hurt.

  • Satanus

    While i'm not that much into math, either, a more acurate way of proceeding would be comparing the ratios. Usage is about one half less for each ten yrs. Therefore, 2010-2019 usage would be about half of 222, ie 111 times. 2020-2029 would be one half again, about 55 times. Trends generally don't go in straight lines, but, in curves, as above.


  • moshe

    JWs are gradually forgetting the importance of 1914. Pretty soon they won't even remember there used to be a box on the inside cover of the Awake, telling the world that paradise would be here before that 1914 generation passes away.


    It made me laughing to read about abandoning the date 1914 .Please ,people wake up I have a prediction for this September 29,2011 and the dates I am using go beyond the year 1914 ! You need to spend some time to read how I came to this prediction for 2011 and how the old dates that link the International Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses relate to the endtime era.

    The first date is 1879 AD which is 35 years earlied than the year 1914 AD .I am using that old date when the original version of the Wachtower magazine was published to the world .

    The year 1914 AD still can be used when we speak about 2034 AD ! 1914 AD + 120 years = 2034 AD.


  • MrFreeze

    They will probably begin to fade it out more and more eventually they'll get to a point when they say "we shouldn't focus on the date of jesus' return. We need to focus on the end of this system."

  • mkr32208

    Wow both current crazies in one thread! Good job! *applauds*

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thay are just going to forget it i reckon. My teens had to be reminded what it means.

    2014 might shake up a few brain cells of those who remember the 84 watchtower articles but they will have already bought into the whole generation change even though they dont understand it.

    That said, if ray franz was right in the old GB push to change it to 1957 (sputnik) and given the propensity to shuffle dates in the past, then it may just be possible to wing it. it might take 20 years for the upheaval to be forgotton but they have done it before have they not?


    oh, and i am so looking forward to sept 29 this year!

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