
by gilwarrior 25 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Scully

    SYN writes:

    Try to eat some barley too, and get lots and lots of exercise.

    Ummmmmm..... can the barley be in fermented liquid form??

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. - WT 12/1/91

  • target

    A lot of people have been motivated by visiting www.zonehome.com
    All kinds of variations of diets and exercise are discussed there. It is a very pleasant atmosphere. I have found it to be very helpful.


  • Julie

    I agree with the advice given here to also see a Dr. My dearest friend here in my town has a weight problem but much of it has to do with the thyroid problem she suffers from. It seems they often have to adjust her medication.

    Also, I am no expert at weight loss or anything, I am a small person but don't take any steps to remain so, however, I only eat when I am hungry. I stop eating when I no longer feel hungry. Listen to your body, not your mind on such things, you'll hear the messages loud and clear.

    Oh and BTW, the forcing yourself to throw stuff up will turn your teeth brown/black so don't try it, you'll regret it. Besides, it is really bad for you in other ways too.

    Please see a doctor for help, you can safely do this. You can always come to this DB for encouragement. And don't be too hard on yourself either, this discouragement will only prevent you from reaching your goal.

    I wish you much success,

  • Trotafox

    Gilwarrior, Mulan, and twvsnt: Scully is right on! For people who have had a lifetime of packing on weight easily and have difficulty losing it, high glycemic carbs are the problem (insulin reistance, i.e., Syndrome X). They need to research the glycemic index of carbs. Eating whole grain "healthy" fiber foods has little to do with it for these people. Broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, onions, and all breads (whole grain or otherwise) are high glyemic and they will gain weight on them. High glycemic foods for these people cause insulin to elevate abnormally and store fat. Fifty percent of the American population has undiagosed Type 2 diabetes because of their inability to handle the "good" carbohydrate diet that has been recommended in the pyramid food plan for the last 25 years.

    I gain weight even thinking about carbs but all protein diets are unhealthy and do not work either. I have been up and down the size ladder (Size 6 to 18) three times in 25 years and have been on over 20 diets. I suspect that I might be insulin resistant and am currently seeking a good diabetic doctor that uses a glycemic index in formulating a diet plan. I do know that eating protein with a high glycemic food can slow down the insulin response somewhat. Please check out the following:


    What is GRI?

    The Glycemic Research Institute (GRI) is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. The senior staff and associate research fellows of the Institute conduct ongoing clinical and analytical studies of individual foods, drinks, packaged foods, nutrients, nutraceuticals and their respective glycemic response.

    Determination of how the body metabolizes foods allow scientists to gain insight as to the varying effects different foods have on an individual. Insulin elevated by a food is calculated by a clinical rating system called the Glycemic Index.

    · In the diabetic, it is important to know the insulin response of a food in order to predict blood sugar response.

    · In the average person, consistent ingestion of foods holding a high glycemic index causes an increase in fat storage and adipose tissue, and increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

    Foods and drinks that carry a high glycemic index trigger an undesirable insulin response. This reactions results in an excess of insulin in the blood stream. Controlling the glycemic index of foods and drinks allows for control over food-driven insulin stimulation ad reactive hypoglycemia.

    The Glycemic Research Institute has compiled and recorded the Glycemic Index for thousands of foods and food ingredients, including manufactured foods and drinks. As a nonpartisan organization, the Institute tests foods and products to determine their individual Glycemic Response. Foods (packaged and natural), drinks, and Nutraceuticals are assigned a Glycemic Response Factor as a gauge of their insulin response.

    And this is also a good site:


    The glycemic index ranks foods on how they affect our blood sugar levels. This index measures how much your blood sugar increases in the two or three hours after eating.

    The glycemic index is about foods high in carbohydrates. Foods high in fat or protein don't cause your blood sugar level to rise much.
    A lot of people still think that it is plain table sugar that people with diabetes need to avoid. The experts used to say that, but the glycemic index shows that even complex carbohydrates, like baked potatoes, can be even worse.

    When you make use of the glycemic index to prepare healthy meals, it helps to keep your blood sugar levels under control. This is especially important for people with diabetes, although athletes and people who are overweight also stand to benefit from knowing about this relatively new concept in good nutrition.

    Recent studies of large numbers of people with diabetes show that those who keep their blood sugar under tight control best avoid the complications that this disease can lead to. Most experts agree that what works best for people with diabetes—and probably the rest of us as well—is regular exercise, little saturated or trans fat (partially hydrogenated oils), and a high-fiber diet.

    The recommendations to exercise and eat more fiber and less saturated and trans fats is excellent advice—as far as it goes. The real problem is carbohydrates. The official consensus remains that a high-carbohydrate diet is best for people with diabetes. However, some of the experts, led by endocrinologists like Dr. Richard K. Bernstein, recommend a low-carbohydrate diet, because carbohydrates can raise blood sugar to dangerous levels.

    But not all carbohydrates act the same. Some are quickly broken down in the intestine, causing the blood sugar level to rise rapidly. These carbohydrates have a high glycemic index.


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • fodeja
    stop eating all simple carbs
    Go easy on the fruit!!
    eat some barley
    high glycemic carbs are the problem
    take a multivitamin tablet and a calcium every day
    the only thing that's missing is the complex carbohydrates

    Wow! But, just a question: if there really are such simple, definite, proven theories on overweight and such simple, definite, proven ways to get rid of excessive fat, why do people still have overweight problems?

    I guess the best advice is to really see a doctor, and maintain a healthy distrust of pop-science "nutrition research".


  • Trotafox

    Fodeja: Unfortunately, most doctors are ignorant on this subject. They listen, test your thyroid, slap a high fiber "grand and wonderful pyramid theory" diet in your hand, along with a Meridian pill (temporary solution) and say you need willpower. That's why the number of people coming down with diabetes is going through the roof, thank you very much. That's why more attention has to be paid to the glycemic index of foods; not assume they are okay for you because they are whole grain fiber foods. To the person who can't handle carbs correctly (insulin resistance), those foods are poison and do nothing but set them up for craving more carbs. It's a vicious circle that creates havoc with the self-esteem.

    Insulin resistance is the precursor to diabetes and that's why diabetic drs. are really about the only ones who are familiar with this. I, personally, would like to get a handle on my weight problem before I become diabetic. It is not a pleasant disease and a preventable one if [u[all[/u] doctors would just figgin' wake up and stop swallowing the pyramid theory for ALL people. Finding doctors is really tough.

    Sorry this weight thing and doctors is a re-e-e-eally sore subject with me.


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • patio34

    Hi GilWarrior,

    It took a lot of courage to admit your frustration. Don't feel too bad on yourself as 60%, i think, of the American population is overweight. It has to do with our lifestyle as a whole and not individually. We are not set up to be active slim folks without a lot of hard work.

    It's very depressing and frustrating to fight against this trend.

    And, despite all the helpful hints here, it all boils down to eat less and exercise more. I'm reading a helpful book called 'Volumetrics' that was recommended by my dietician. It's not the whole answer, but is helpful.

    Good luck to you and the other 60% of USA!


    "It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the world." (from "Stuart Saves His Family")

  • Pamela

    Dear Gilwarrior,
    I too am a RN like Scully and totally agree with her advise. I too have a weight problem and recently gained 10 lbs in 6 weeks and come to find out my thyroid was all out of wack. I have sice lost 6 lbs wIthout trying. I know how hard it is but you need to approach it on a level that you will be able to do it for a period of time and not get burned out. Hey,You have 2 RNs and a nutritionalist at your fingertips,you can't ask for better than that! Best wishes. Pam

  • waiting

    Back to the coffee..........

    1. Is it the coffee or caffine?

    2. Cola was mentioned as ok - so then, it's not the caffine....but the coffee itself?

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, woe is me. No coffee? Really? Reeeeeeeeeally?

    That doesn't sound too nice to me. Noooooooo coffee?

  • waiting

    Hey Trotafox,

    I went to the first site, second didn't respond. Have you tried their information - with what results?

    My size changes, etc., tends to mirror your changes. Frustrating as all getout.


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