I believe as individuals follow the Word of God, who is Jesus, there is indeed growth and development. The issue is where the religions take this verse and applies it to their continually shifting teachings and imply that the source of their doctrinal tumult is God himself. God is not the author of confusion. The Watchtower inherited the concept of "new light" from the Adventists that similarly used the term to whitewash their own failed teachings. Within the Watchtower, "new light" is used not just for changes in teaching and doctrine but as banner for any kind of organizational change, large and small. The individual must receive this "new light" as from God, to not embrace it is grounds for expulsion from the congregation an apostate. When changes or flip-flops occur and "new light" becomes "old light", the Watchtower is remiss to say that they were wrong and the failure was their own. This casts God in a bad light, implying that is he the capricious author of these numerous changes. Whereas they claim that light continues to grow, per the verse in Proverbs, their doctrinal flip-flops call to mind a switch being flipped on and off. Again rather then humbly accept the error as their own, the Watchtower, applies the illustration of a sail boat tacking, changing direction from side to side, as it moves toward its destination, and again claim that this inspired by God.