"The problem for me is not that they taught incorrect things in the past.
The problem is that over and over and over again, they claim that today's understandings were discerned many years earlier than they actually were.
For example:
Claiming that the Bible Students pointed forward to 1914 as the beginning of the "Time of the End" is a lie
Claiming that the Bible Students anticipated that Jesus would receive his kingly power in 1914 is a lie
Claiming that the Bible Students anticipated Christ's reign in 1914 is a lie.
Claiming that the Bible Students discerned Christ's invisible parousia ahead of time is a lie
Claiming that the Bible Students had foreknowledge of the heavenly birth of God's kingdom in 1914 is a lie
Claiming that the Bible Students predicted that the "Time of Distress" would commence in 1914 is a lie.
Claiming that Russell published Object and Manner in 1873 is a lie
Claiming that Russell had been unaware of the "Zero year" problem is a lie
Claiming that the very first issue of Zion's Watch Tower made known the significance of 1914 is a lie.
...Yet these claims are common things I read in The Watchtower and hear in the final discourse at JW conventions"
Everything is clearly put forth here;
jv chap. 6 p. 61 A Time of Testing (1914-1918)
Great Expectations
On June 28, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was struck down by an assassin’s bullet. That assassination triggered the outbreak of the Great War, as World War I was originally called. The fighting began in August 1914 when Germany swept into Belgium and France. By the autumn of that year, the bloodbath was well under way.
“The Gentile Times have ended; their kings have had their day”! So exclaimed Brother Russell as he entered the dining room at the Brooklyn headquarters of the Watch Tower Society the morning of Friday, October 2, 1914. Excitement was high. Most of those present had for years been looking forward to 1914. But what would the end of the Gentile Times bring?
World War I was raging, and at that time it was believed that the war was leading into a time of global anarchy that would result in the end of the existing system of things. There were also other expectations concerning 1914.
Do they have to provide a detailed commentary every time they make a statement about 1914?