A timely 'booster shot' for JWs

by Gregor 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    TheListener - "Witnesses have it set up so they win if war seems imminent or if peace is declared."

    Not quite, there is an eschatalogical script of sorts that they expect to be followed. Major deviations from it that can't be easily explained away would give many pause.

    NewChapter - "Many witnesses personally have thought the new king may be Islam..."

    Or the emerging alliance of Russia, the Islamic World, and China.

    NewChapter - "...or even hope that the UN may get tired of the in-fighting and ban all religion for disturbing the peace..."

    As if; the UN Security Council can barely enforce even the mildest of resolutions, let alone wage a global campaign against organized religion (a potential script deviation, as it happens).

  • NewChapter
    As if; the UN Security Council can barely enforce even the mildest of resolutions, let alone wage a global campaign against organized religion (a potential script deviation, as it happens).

    Now that is interesting. This is something I haven't thought about very much yet. The POWER of the UN, that great beast, (or is it the IMAGE of the beast--I always found inconsistencies) Anyway. Yeah, the UN can't even get the US to stop torturing people. If they can't control their dominant friendly nations, how did I EVER believe they could enforce a world-wide ban on religion---which is just BILLIONS strong?? OMG How did I EVER believe that the UN would be able to suppress BILLIONS?

    Vidiot, I have to stop reading your posts--you are destroying my FAITH!

    My grades are gonna be destroyed too, if I don't get off this site for a while. I'm attending college on an Honors scholarship, so I MUST study. And not the scan-and-underlining kind of study, but the thinking-it-through kind of study.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Gregor: "I'm sure there are those who are suffering "signs the end is near" fatigue but my guess is that many more are 'raising their heads erect'...again."

    Ah, yes, another "raising their heads erection" which will only last as long as there is sufficient friction and arousal. But it only lasts for a while, and there is never the hoped for climax... at hand.

  • undercover
    another "raising their heads erection" which will only last as long as there is sufficient friction and arousal.

    If you have a 'raising head erection' for 4 decades or longer, please seek immediate psyhciatric attention...

  • Leolaia

    In the 1980s when the Cold War seemed its most dismal, JWs claimed that Armageddon must be very close because Jehovah would not let a nuclear holocaust occur. Then in the late 80s, when perestroika happened and the Soviet Bloc fell apart, it was Armageddon must be very close because its now "peace and security". That was 22 years ago.

  • purplesofa

    With 25,000 JW's in Egypt and the religion being banned, their work is Underground, I would think they are hoping for better conditions so the ban could be lifted and they can preach openly.

  • cofty

    Does anybody remember the "Doomsday Clock" that spent the whole of the 80s at 3 minutes to midnight?

  • Gregor

    I will never forget the JW who was so done with the whole JW thing that they spoke to me (a notorious apostate in a fairly small town) openly and sought out my comments as to why I was no longer in the "truth". This went on for a year or so.

    Then Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US sent troops to kick them out. The JW returned to regular meeting attendance and avoided speaking to me. This went on until the that conflict was resolved and the situation settled down. This person then wanted to pick up where they had left off, consulting with the wicked apostate. I told them they needed to 's---t' or get off the pot. Limbo is not a good place to be.

    If it wasn't so pitiful it would be funny.

    Billy - spot on clever, lol.

  • laverite

    Imagine still being on that emotional roller coaster. Glad I was able to get off the damn thing.

  • DesirousOfChange

    In inactive friend (hasn't been to anything but Memorial in years) called me this morning to get my "take" on Egypt and Jordan situations.... Maybe he wants back in before the door on the Ark closes. (??)

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