NewChapter - "If they can't control their dominant friendly nations, how did I EVER believe they could enforce a world-wide ban on religion---which is just BILLIONS strong?"
You believed it for the same reason I did - you were taught to. As to where the WTS got the original idea; it actually has its origins in mid-20th Century Right-Wing conspiracy theory; the John Birch Society, etc.
Because many of the UN Charter's draftees were Europeans with Soviet connections, the American authoritarian Right has always been suspicious of it; with the UN's involvement in establishing the State of Isreal, it took on a Biblical tone (many right-wingers already had affiliations with some of the more militant Christian groups), which led to hack born-again writer Hal Lindsay penning The Late, Great Planet Earth, a quasi-prophetic nonfiction book which predicted a totalitarian "One World Government" evolving out of the UN (suggesting that "godless communists" had helped engineer the UN's creation as tools of the Antichrist in order to destroy decent God-Fearing Americans).
Back when Millerite-at-heart Fred Franz was fine-tuning the WTS's eschatology, there was a lot more cross-pollinization of ideas between the various apocalyptic millennialist groups; these ideas trickled their way in, and became incorporated (albeit in a modified, JW-centric form) into Freddy's interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
As a result, the WT is now stuck with an End-Times script containing bad guys who, at present, are essentially powerless (the UN) or remain an unknown (the "King of the North", since the Soviet Union unexpectedly collapsed 20 years ago, and the role has never been recast), and global Black-Swan-type events that seem damn near impossible (organized religion on the verge of violent overthrow by said bad guys) in a world where the democratic process - as flawed as it is - and basic human rights (including freedom of religion) annoyingly persist in spreading despite everyone's best efforts.
Not to mention that advances in technology and medical science are slowly but surely beating back disease and death by mundane, "real-world" means in this "Wicked System of Things", rather than via miraculous (i.e. supernatural) phenomenon as expected in the WT Paradise.
In light of this, no wonder the hardliners on the GB are so nostalgic for the 1950s; there isn't really any room for the 21st Century (as it currently exists) in their worldview.