Watchtower Bible School of Gilead in Germany

by freetosee 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • freetosee

    I was a member of an English-speaking congregation in Germany. Before I started fading a German "branch" of the Gilead School was being set up in the German Branch Office. A long time and well known DO Dietrich Förster was assigned to our cong. in order to improve his English. That was because he was to become the registrator/instructor for the school.

    I have never heard mention of the German Gilead School since I left.
    Was it ever set up? Is it still there? Have there been schools for missionary training in other countries as well? Has the down-sizing have an effect?


  • brotherdan

    In what year did you hear about this?

  • freetosee

    that was going on in the mid 90ties.

  • brotherdan

    I've never heard of anything like this. When I was at Patterson from 2000-2002 I knew a lot of Gilead students that when to the school. There were many European ones as well. I think it is interesting that you MUST speak english to go to the school.

    There have been certain branch initiatives, but never in the realm of education. ALL education is done in the states. All branch committee members, regardless of location, will come to Patterson to go through the school. There have been some training initiatives regarding translation, however. When I was at Patterson they trained a group of former missionaires, CO's, DO's, and former bethelites to go to each of the branches and teach them English and how to translate from English.

    The purpose of this was because the writing departments style is very "americanized". For example, if an english speaking person was to write about turning the tables on someone, a reader in Africa would not understand the term. If someone was to talk about "rubbing elbows" with another person, non-english speakers would be confused. So they sent these men out to train the branch translation departments in english comprehension.

    But as far as I know, there has never been an attempt to set up a Gilead school outside of the US.

  • freetosee

    The DO couple was not very happy about the assignment due to their age. The DOs wife told me that she complained to the branch overseer Willi Pohle that her husband is to old for that and that they are taking away her husband from her. The branch overseer told her, "Jahovah has not taken anything away from you, Jehovah has given you!"

  • freetosee

    Thank you brotherdan, but there must have been a definite attempt to set up a school. The DO was with our cong. for a couple of months. He also told me that he was in Patterson and was instructed by Don Adams in preparation for his new assignment.

    The school was to be conducted in English.

  • miseryloveselders

    The branch overseer told her, "Jahovah has not taken anything away from you, Jehovah has given you!"

    This made me chuckle.....I guess its all a matter of interpretation.......

  • freetosee

    The DO wife certainly did not interpret it as being given a wonderful privileges by Jehovah. To me she sounded like they were given no choice.. "Do as you are told and don't complain!"

  • miseryloveselders

    The DO wife certainly did not interpret it as being given a wonderful privileges by Jehovah. To me she sounded like they were given no choice.. "Do as you are told and don't complain!"

    Kind of like everything else in this religion.

  • Nobleheart

    I'm from Europe and I remember hearing of it (around 2000). But I can't recall any other details, except for it being like a Branch of Gilead, and instruction being in English. So i think it did exist, but i'm unsure if it's still running.

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