Another Armageddon Thread...This Time May be for REAL?!?

by Yan Bibiyan 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wobble

    Armageddon is fictional.

    Sometimes life copies art, only rarely though. And as this bit of fiction needs a lot of other fictional characters to make it work (i.e God) it ain't gonna happen.

    It is a good feeling that even in my great- great -great grandchildren's day, by which time Wobble will be long forgotten, man will still be in charge of his own destiny.

  • Vidiot

    Aussie Oz - "JWs THRIVE on misery. the more the misery, the better."

    One of the things that is regularly used to reinforce End-Timers' perception that the Big A "just around the corner" is the unspoken implication that "it can't possibly get any worse".

    When I learned about climate change, Peak Oil, and unsustainable population growth, I quickly realized that compared to they way things are now, it definately can get worse.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel
    Armageddon is fictional.

    How do you know? When the scriptures prophesying Armageddon were written, how did the writers know that Israel would be scattered, then gathered? How did they know that the Middle East would be the world's hot spot in the latter days? When they wrote aboout the third temple being built, how did they know about the controversy that would surround it? Qur'anic scripture speaks about the Jews being the interlopers, and that they would be the ones Allah wanted dead in the last days. Biblical scriptures say that God would bring the Jews back to their ancestral homelands and that he, personally, would protect them. Based on every confrontation to date, it seems the Biblical scriptures are winning out.

    The fascinating thing is that the Muslims believe everything that happens is the will of Allah. So basically they ought to see the return of the Jews as the will of Allah. Instead, they say Allah is gathering the Jews so that the Muslims can kill them. That's what makes Islam a twisted religion. Even after Armageddon, there will be Muslims that will refuse to accept the Jewish victory as the will of Allah. Even after they see with their own eyes the return of Jesus/Jehovah, they still won't be able to believe it and they'll refuse to go up to Jerusalem and celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacles.

    If you know prophecy, you'll see that events are happening that fulfill Biblical predictions. If the scriptures have been right in every detail so far, I wouldn't bet on Armageddon being fictional. The Jehovah's Witness version is fictional, granted, but then their doctrine was formulated before the Jews returned to Palestine. Zechariah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and others indicated Armageddon would take place in the Middle East, and they mentioned "Jerusalem" by name many times. I'm betting that Armageddon is not fictional. Only time will tell.

  • d

    This Armageddon nonsense is like the boy who cried wolf.You can only say it so many times before people quit believing you.The Jw's say things are bad, what about life during the black death.When people were dying by the thousands and there was war and famine.Or what about during the United States Civil war when the United States was at war with itself did the end come then?

    Yelling the end is near gets really old , really fast.

  • d

    The protests in Wisconsin are growing.Are the witness crying wolf

  • saltyoldlady

    ColdSteel - I like your courage here. I too think Armageddon is a "for real" item and that it will actually happen - when I do not know. Interpreting Revelation is fraught with many many variations by different groups - I am currently trying to work my way through it to re-establish what I actually believe minus the WTS filters. I am overwhelmed by all the commentaries available on Amazon about the subject - but thank you for your comments. Recently worked thru Timothy McHyde's book Know the Future - currently plowing thru J. Vernon MacGee's commentary loaned me by one of my Bible Study friends, and have Charles Swindoll sitting in the wings for my next exploration. Previously read Carl Olof Jonnson's view in The Last Days - When? He makes short work of it claiming all the prophecies of Revelation already fulfilled in that first century after Christ. Boy that was a new view for me to consider. But I love his works and am still digesting it.

  • superpunk

    Ant farts in Boise are a sign of the times.

    Armageddon is fictional.

    Exactly. Jesus, people. Free your minds.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Throw a 90+ year old in a cave with a pencil and pad of paper and nothing but his dreams and you are going to get stuff like the book of Revelation.

    There is nothing supernatural or prophetic about it. It's run of the mill lunacy.

  • ProdigalSon

    Actually, the Book of Revelation is quite a marvelous treatise on self-awakening....

  • d

    I am pretty sure they are all excited over unrest in Syria.

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