With apologies to Laverite...
Growing up as a JW I always imagined the New System (TM) as being just like it's presented in the Literature (TM). I thought we'd all be hanging around with dorky looks on our faces, petting tigers and panda bears all day while we eat fruit and practice our dorky grins.
Peronsally, I've never seen an illustration from the Society showing modern conveniences. The people in the illlustrations are always working in a garden somewhere (while wearing meeting clothes) or looking heavenward with a frontal lobotomy smile.
I think to be able to survive in this new world, I would need alcohol and lots of it. If Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, surely we could open a bar (or pub) in the new system so we could enjoy the fruit of our vines, so to speak. And newly resurrected ones probably sure could use a belt to get fully awakened to their new surroundings.