I hate to even think of televsion under WT theocracy. There would be no free journalism or entertainment. It would all be 'state' run. All shows would be propaganda praising the WT's role in God's rule. Even kids shows. You thought Davey and Goliath was bad TV...just wait until the people that brought you the Sunday morning District Convention drama get hold of the television stations...
Will there be bars in the New System?
by undercover 15 Replies latest jw friends
I hate to even think of televsion under WT theocracy. There would be no free journalism or entertainment. It would all be 'state' run. All shows would be propaganda praising the WT's role in God's rule. Even kids shows. You thought Davey and Goliath was bad TV...just wait until the people that brought you the Sunday morning District Convention drama get hold of the television stations...
That would suck in epic proportions. Wow. Can you imagine? It would be like a combination of the bad dubbing prevalent in foreign Kung Fu movies, with the pretentiousness of the 700 Club.
This thread kinda highlights something for me, that I've never really given much thought before. That being, the WT really hasn't done all that great of a job selling paradise, have they?
The whole concept of paradise earth is ridiculous once you dig one level below the WT inspired pictures. The biggest problem I have with the idea is how would they keep people from "sinning" once they are perfect. By sin I'm thinking of the WT definition. I mean how long will it take before boredom sets in with the fruit and the gardening and the animals and the picnics? After a few thousand years, that routine is going to get stale.
So John Q Fun is going to want to either have a poker game with his buddies, or smoke some tobacco, or get drunk, or have an orgy (assuming he is one of the lucky ones with genetalia.) Then what? I mean isn't everyone living in paradise going to have free will? At some point they are going to be like Adam and Eve and break the rules, right?
The only way around it would be for God to remove free will so they just walk around with the lobotomy smile described by Undercover. Maybe that is the plan and the GB just hasn't seen fit to reveal that light to the masses.
"Although exactly what kinds of beverages mankind will make use of is unclear, we can be certain that only appropriate places of recreation will exist in Jehovah's new world. Granted, Jesus did turn water into wine as his first miracle, but two things should be kept in mind about this occasion: (1) this was at a wedding feast and (2) this was long before he began reigning as King. Jesus himself, along with his faithful apostles--and likely their anointed companions--will be the only ones we can be sure will partake of at least wine, "the product of the vine", if not other beverages of an alcoholic nature."
Does that help? Hmm. It actually reminds me of 'Animal Farm'. I just finished reading it today.
But...the only way I can see that happening is if either they'll be the watering hole of choice for those who Satan will turn away after the thousand years, or if it becomes physically impossible for perfect humans to get drunk. Unless perhaps, you could get PERFECTLY drunk. Which would surely lead to spectacular videos on JHVHTube.
This is the new system. Bars, cars loose women and every pleasure possible. Medical care when needed.
Stuff a new world - this world takes some beating - why return to the dark ages?
Yes. One at every corner... all called "Noah's"...