Like Wannaexit [and others...] said:
LACK.... OF.... MONEY....
That's it...
by acolytes 58 Replies latest jw friends
Like Wannaexit [and others...] said:
LACK.... OF.... MONEY....
That's it...
Hi Blondie
My background is not very good at articulating myself with the writtern word.
What i meant to say Blondie was the financial contributions of the rank & file count for nothing. (However the R/F believe there contribution is what keeps the ministry work and the K/H )
Wow, ReFried Truth, good point!!!
"They already sell halls left and right ..... It seems to be an equilibrium build 3 sell 3 a week in the US while maintaining an illusion of 'growth'..."
That's an extremely effective way of fleecing the sheep... Require another hall to be built... Pressure the elders to turn over the title for their hall to the Watchtower Society headquarters... Move the congregation in with another congregation in a different hall, and sell the quick build...
All paid for, by the original hall's congregation - and the Watchtower Society made money on the INTEREST they charged the congregation for the loan to build the hall, in the first place!!!
Whatta fleece job!!!
Yes it's true it is money or a lack of it that will do the trick. But for awhile they have much property to sell off. But they will never listen to what Russell said they will keep it going if they have to outright beg for money as long as they can. stuck in
Death by a thousand cuts. It will be a cumulative effect of ...
Shrinking contributions, little or no growth by D2D, multiple lawsuits worldwide, bad press, more doctrinal screw ups, changing tech that makes their business model more archaic, a couple of high level defectors, a lack of brothers for elders, and the tightening of the grip as they realize the prior things are happening.
They will survive and never completely collapse, but they will be a totally different organization.
This is a personal opinion..... I find it sad that most replys think money rather than "us" can bring a crisis to the W.T.
I think if the WT has 100,00000000 or 600,000000000 win or loose a 1000000000,. money wont matter. (Individuals make change)
I also know from carrying out many cong financial audits that literature taken is usually 20% greater than contributed in the world wide fund (if you use the old prices) and we only just paid the bills for the hall. I strongly objected 8 years ago when congs where asked to hand all savings over to the branch on promise that if it should be required they would hand it back. The only reason the cong had any money was because an older sister's donation and she had willed it specifically towards a new hall. The elders forgot her wishes and handed most of it over - and still have no new hall and very little savings despite being a well attended inner-city hall they'll never see money again
semelclad...your reply was off topic, but witnesses who leave there life savings to the organisation IS a sin that deserves its own topic.
It is shameful,but sadly will never be a crisis to the W.T.
I think now the WT will never die, but it might become a shadow of it's former glory, much reduced. I've been thinking how technological advances such as photography, the internal combustion engine, television, and portable electronic devices such as the iPad and MP3 forced radical change to affected sectors (artists, draft horses, radio and paper publishing).
The sectors mentioned above did face massive change. They had to adjust their purpose in order to survive. Radio lives alongside it's more technologically advanced cousins, carving out a niche for itself. We still see draft horses...much reduced in parades. An "artist" today is another beast entirely; giving over reality to the camera and redefining itself. We will see a radical change to the print industry in my lifetime, thanks to the new portable devices. But books will remain; as an ornament, a novelty. Newspapers will shrink; expanded content will have to be referenced online.
Religions rarely die. They may shrivel to a sliver of their former glory. There are still Quakers, much to my surprise. . But there are no more Shakers. All we have is their furniture. I think the WTBTS is living through a crisis right now. The reinterpretation of generation just isn't cutting it with members. Field service, peddling print materials, is an anachronism from a former age. The WTBTS will still be around, I figure, but a shadow of it's former self. From all signs, it does not adapt to the internet age.
Possibly a biggie here:
Jehovah's Witness Prince Rogers Nelson is a devout most popular hot potato he is on tour and getting his *mojo* back in a big way.
He does stuff that Michael Jackson would not have dared ,MJ let the Watchtower off the hook by withdrawing via dissociation.
Volatile Prince could sink big and entangle the WT
VH1 ranks Prince #5 out of 100 top pop stars of all time