Judgment Day? For Lars & JCanon- Your Hero, Harold Camping.

by whereami 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villabolo


    "I am not a follower of Harold Camping some may assume. I consider him as the best opponent to my beliefs and those of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Larsinger58: "Yes, OBVES and Harold Camping are prophets of Jehovah."

    1 Corinthians 14:8--New International Version

    "Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?"


  • Larsinger58


    "Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?"

    We wouldn't be having this conversation if both Camping and OBVES didn't focus on 2011 AD.

    On the other hand, it is also stated that Christ does not put "new wine" into "old wineskins" meaning there is going to be a variety of interpretation on some other issues.

    The WARNING is being sounded for 2011 AD. Sounds pretty clear to me!

    Thanks for the observation.

    Christ says, "My sheep will hear my voice." Joel says holy spirit would be poured out on all types of flesh during the end times. This is being fulfilled by OBVES and Camping among others. Camping is pretty old -- (grin) The internet makes individual prophets reach around the globe.

    Camping nor OBVES would ever publicly recognize me as the messiah, but they are not supposed to.

    It's sort of complex. Turns out the "light" revealed will primarily be for the elect while onlookers look into darkness.


  • Larsinger58

    Villaboo: The holocaust ended in 1945. That's when the concentration camps where liberated by the Allies.

    You may return back to your regularly scheduled program.

    Yes. And I said the great tribulation was SLATED for 7-years between 1940-1947. So for your note, note that Matthew 24 says the "days were cut short"! That means the "slated days" for the tribulation, which was 7 years were cut short. Thus as you noticed, the Holocaust did indeed end in 1945.

    That's because as Zech 13:8 says, 2/3rds of the Jews would have to pass through the fire. That means 2/3rds of the Jews would die in the Holocaust, which is precisely correct; 6 million Jews compared to 9 million, originally.

    But even though the days of the "great tribulation" were cut short, the official end of the exile did not occur until as planned in 1947.

    So not to worry, all is well and well prophesied. I'm glad you are paying attention. 1945 fulfills a "cut short" great tribulation. So thanks for bringing it up.


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