helpppppp please

by wondering2007 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • wondering2007

    so im in a predicament and seeking help from a few of you willing to make a phone call tommorow to the society during office hours. ok so im here in pineville louisiana but were going to be frozen over as of tommorow night and friday night with snow ice and sleet. the pipes on our house rboke yesterday because we also had a storm yesterday and the pipes broke overnite so now we have a mes. howvere we are suppose to have an assembly in alexandria, louisiana, so how are we suppose to make it saturdayw ith weather conditions and no water available until monday? and frankly being honest i dont wanna go. so if you guys can help me out in my desperation and call and complain about saturday. please help out? this situation sucks. and we gonna be stuck in this cold house tommorow and friday!! we got our water turned off but no repairs unti next week becaseu of yesterdays storm

  • leavingwt

    Sorry about your pipes.

    About the assembly. . .just blow it off. You won't miss a thing.

  • serenitynow!
  • baltar447

    Just stay home. Catch another assembly if you want.

  • mrsjones5

    Why do you need to call society?

  • Satanus

    Get a note from a plumber, saying that your pipes are froze, and there fore, you should be excused from going to school, i mean assembly.


  • Iamallcool

    wondering2007, if you can drive few miles to a hotel, take a nice hot shower there.

  • GLTirebiter

    If you have a source of drinking and hand-washing water, stay home and clean up the mess. If not, find a nearby motel and sleep there while you clean up the mess. Get the water cleaned up and everything dried out ASAP, the longer you leave it wet the more likely you are to have mold and mildew problems. Don't let your house and property get ruined by mold while you're sitting there listening to a talk.

    It won't help for me to call them, I'm an "opposer" so they won't listen to me!

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    and frankly being honest i dont wanna go.

    Then don't go. I don't know what you think anyone could say to them that would stop them from having their group indoctination session.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's not like Jehovah's going to kill you for missing one convention.

    I must have missed a hundred or so and he hasn't shown up yet.

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