The WTS' one point message is this: "God commands you to obey the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses without hesitation or criticism."
Corollary: "When the GB says, 'Jump!' the only legitimate question you can ask is, "How high?'"
The GB can change key doctrines, and you must meekly accept this as "new light". For example:
-- Michael is the Pope (The Finished Mystery)... No, Michael is Jesus
-- Jesus is to be worshipped... No, Jesus is not to be worshipped
-- Give "relative worship" to Jesus... No, "relative worship" is idolatry
-- Organ transplants are cannibalism... No, organ transplants are acceptable medical treatment, not cannibalism
-- The Great Pyramid is God's stone witness, the Bible in stone... No, the Great Pyramid comes from Satan
-- Jesus returned invisibly in 1874... No, Jesus returned invisibly in 1914
-- World War I was the beginning of Armageddon... No, 100 years later, Armageddon is still just around the corner
Yesterday's "truth" is today's heresy.
Today's "truth" may be tomorrow's heresy.
No matter.
The one constant is that the GB speaks for Jehovah and must be obeyed without hesitation or criticism.
Follow that rule at all times and you're "in the truth" no matter how much or how fast the "truth" changes.