Miseryloveselder: Great point.
The Governing Body wants JWs to really, really understand this one point
by cattails 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
Band on the Run
This is the linchpin. I studied politcal science. The entire issue of legitimacy is assumed. It is not reasoned. For some unknowable reason, we are to believe they are the faithful and discreet slave. (slave singular). If it is not illustrative, then it must be literal and one person has to be the slave. I hate when they term it at a class.
My great-grandfather was active in Russell's days. There was much upset between my grandmother and he about being a member of the Remnant. I could not understand the animosity. My grandmother had a hard life with step mothers out of the fairy tales. She blamed him and he was partly at fault. My mom explained that all of them considered themselves to be remnant. No great crowd existed. A shift happened in my grandmother's generation and very few believed themselves Remnant members. Growing up in the Witnesses, you could range far and wide and never meet a remnant unless some very old Bethelite popped in. Newark was not an attractive visitng place for Witnesses. Brothers would bring my great-gf the emblems. It was a mark of great honor. They bragged about in for weeks. He was my ggf and I just wanted him to be my ggf, not their little toy.
I grew up in the 50s and 60s. The expectation was that Armageddon was very imminent b/c only a few Remnant survived. People were hoping they would hurry up and die so everyone could live in paradise on earth. We were shocked to the highest when our overseer announced he was remnant, a man in his late 20s. Further, the Society did not banish him to the ends of the earth. He was white, though, and despised blacks. Despite trying very hard, he could not be reassigned. Now I come here and everyone is Remant it seems.
The Pope has prior claims on this slave business. It is more likely to me than an office going to back to Biblical times would be the slave than an upstart publishing co in the 1900s. Besides, Rome evokes grandeur and Italian opera. I cried when I visited. The Sistine Chapel had me in tears. Bernini's canopy. Giotto. Raphael. God is present in some sense in that art. Compare it to a two bit group created in Pittsburgh of all places. Brooklyn Heights is nice. Oh, so, so nice. Unless you are from NY, you can't imagine how nice. I much prefer it to Greenwich Village. Brooklyn vs. Rome? My family chose Pittsburgh and Brooklyn over the glory of Rome. Also, listening to Russian orthodox music, the beauty is incredible. Weird choices. Anyone visit Chartres. Aside from doctrine, these places are sacred in a universal spiritual sense.
Band on the Run - "The Sistine Chapel had me in tears. Bernini's canopy. Giotto. Raphael. God is present in some sense in that art."
With all of the creative and out-of-the-box thinkers long gone, the WTS has nothing with which to compete.
Miseryloveelder: So true at your statement.
Donny..."The GB says that this "appointment" took place in early 1919, yet they provide no evidence to support it. As a JW you are supposed to accept that statement hook, line and sinker. That "appointment" is a monumental claim that should have monumental evidence to support it, yet there is none."
So true...I have always felt the same on several other issues...WHERE'S THE SUPPORTED EVIDENCE!!!
- WOULD JEHOVAH DIRECT A RELIGION TO PROMOTE FALSEHOOD?(at all) and yet they do over and over!!!
The GB wants us to believe that this is true...because they claim these falsehoods to be "present truths"=tomorrows false teachings
What a brilliant thread! :)
I am still a JW, but i consider this scripture to be the MOST missaplied! When it is quoted (which is EVERY meeting) i cringe!
I agree with all of you - its JUST an illustration, the point of which is clear: KEEP ON THE WATCH!!! Its simple isnt it!
Personaly, i dont believe there is a faithful slave yet! After the master has arrived - which i understand to be the great day of Jehovah - then he will then apoint one over all his domestics!
If there is a faithful slave now, then i believe there are many as the context suggests in Matthew 25!
I have seen all to often how the GB plucks scriptures out of the bible and contextualy misapplies them. :@
Whatever the purpose is, i hope its an honourable one... because if it isnt, Jah is going to be rather upset with them as it clearly states in Matthew 24!
Tim :)