For those of you that love Star Wars the prequels...

by Botzwana 20 Replies latest social entertainment

  • free2beme

    All I saw was a commercial for Dog Food!!! Although I will say, the original 3 rock! The prequels suck worse then any movie ever made, and that is even comparing them to such junk sequels of Caddyshack 2 or any of the Friday the 13th movies. Which all sucked in their own right, but not as bad as the prequels of Star Wars!

  • Ilovebirthdays

    If George Lucas actually made Episode 1 first instead of Episode 4, there would have been no such thing as Episodes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Not only do I hate the prequels with a passion, I'm mad at him for going back and doing stupid edits on the original three movies.

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    I loved Star Wars IV - VI. I was disappointed with I & II. Revenge of the Sith held it's own

    Lucas allowed too much time and thought between the originals and the prequels. He allowed too much time for me to form my own ideas and opinions about how 1 - 3 should mesh into 4 - 6.

    I couldn't help but be disappointed

  • Twitch

    Truly classic,...

  • DaCheech

    only hated the first, AND the whole anakin and jar jar shiite

  • pirata

    After the Governing Body saw Episode 1 they were talking like the Gungan Boss doing his head shakey thing:

    Meesa no like da apostates. Dey tink dey so smarty. Dey tink dey brains so big.


    Okay, I actually made that up.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It seems as though he changed the focus from a movie for all ages to one for <10 year olds.

    Things that needed to go, in my opinion: Droid army, pod race, Gungun boss, Jar Jar Binks, medichlorians (should have been a keener spirit than most that gets one into the club), and Yoda's fat lip and slanted eyes (WTF?!).

    As a die hard Star Wars fan, though, I did collect both trilogies.

    PS I also think he OD'd on technology this time around.

    Just because it's there doesn't mean it should all be used all the time.

  • Botzwana

    I hope you guys caught the entire thing. I only posted the first part of Mr. Plinkett's review. It is SO hilarious. He also does the other two films.

  • jay88

    Watched them all,......made my day!

    thanks B,

  • MrFreeze

    Just saw these RedLetterMedia videos recently. They are spot on. He mimic'd everything I think about the prequels and more! He even nailed down some reasons that I hated them, that I didn't even realize were affecting my judgement of them.


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