Where are the finks when you really need them? Watching porn? Why are they so worried about porn when they should be finking on those who choose to kill and eat babies, murder people, or molest children and then silence the victims? Never mind the damn porn!
more Jan 15 Study WT: I caught you looking at porn! You better tell the elders!
by baltar447 21 Replies latest jw friends
I just can't get the Nazi reporting programs out of my head. Anyone that was a Jew lover or supported Jews was to be told on to the Nazis. If the Watchtower was a government it would be something of a socialist dictatorship.
Soon they will be saying, " I caught you looking at JWN! You better tell the elders!"
Mr. Falcon
Comedy, thy name is leavingwt.
That picture is gold.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Don't look now Botchtower, but all the animals are naked!
So Alex is going to tell the elders about Steve's wrongdoing unless Steve admits this to the elders himself. What's not mentioned is that 2/3 of young people in this religion leave at one point or another eventually. So it goes without saying that both Steve and Alex will fade from the organization entirely in due time.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Now if Alex doesn't tell the elders that Steve is looking at porn, I'm going to have to tattle to the elders that Alex didn't tell the elders about Steve not telling the elders about him looking at porn and Alex looking at Steve looking at porn.
Now if I also become a non-tattler and don't tell the elders about Alex's non-tattling sinfulness and Steve's non-confessing porn-watching, somebody else is going to have to tattle on all three of us.
It could be a long elders' meeting!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Um, did I totally blow everyone's mind with the last comment...
...or is everybody running to tattle to the elders?...
...or has this thread died of natural causes?...
I think this thread deserves a BTTT just for the sake of leavingwt's reminder to all young brothers
The real reason behind this article is that pornography, according to the Watchtower, is the cause of a sizable portion of domestic turmoil. If you read through the Watchtower and Awake the past 20 years you will see an influx in articles about the harmful effects of viewing pornography.
It's interesting to note that Witnesses always seem to have an "reasonable explanation" for their taboos. These explanations always include smear-type information about the harmful effects of the things they ban.
Holidays? People die of alcohol poisening all the time at parties associated with the holiday's. They are also just Big Business ploys at this point in the game.
Blood Transfusions? They are more trouble than they are worth, I'll rightly take a different route! Praise God and his good advice!
Worldly People? While the Lump Everyone Into One Catagory approach will limit my potential for life long friendship, I don't have to worry as much about bad relationships, that could soil my relationship with God.
Pornography? It destroy's marriages and families because the porn replaces a healthy sex life. And yes I do mean every time.
^ This list could go on as long as the New World Translation. They have "token explanations" for everything. Most people don't directly challenge them because they are fairly well thought out arguments. Only someone looking for a debate would take on anyone who agreed with any of the above sentiments.
A woman in Birmingham, Alabama told the elders her husband was looking at porn. They told her "be a better wife". Go figure.