I am just wondering since these people never work a secular job. Is there some sort of an arrangement from the society to care for them? presuming they don't even have children of their own to look after them when they are old.
Does anyone know what happens to full-time JW's(DO's, CO's, Missionaries, Special pioneers, etc) when they reach old age?
by african GB Member 35 Replies latest jw friends
Nope, they don't have anything set to help them. They are expected to work until death.
Bungi Bill
Many years ago now, I can remember a remark being made in a Watchtower article, in which they actually boasted of this fact:
i.e. Unlike the "Churches of Christendom", there was NO retirement for full time ministers of Jehovahs Witnesses.
Reading between the lines, of course, this means that when they are unable to keep working - because of poor health or advanced age - they are thrown out into the street.
There is no arrangement in general. Some long time missionaries and bethelites do get to retire in bethel and receive medical help until they die. Most DO's and CO's end up having to depend on government pensions to survive, though a few may have investment to live off from prior to going fulltime.
Smart ones save some of the Green Handshakes.
I quit!
I also remember Christendom being mocked from the podium for having retirement plans for the clergy. That was years ago. I'm sure there some that had a chuckle over that that aren't laughing now.
Well, I know one very long time circuit overseer has his house built that was paid in full by his last Circuit. I would think one brother that is very wealthy contributed the most.
now many have understood the reality, they reason different from as it was years ago.
I have seen who now are worry and want buy a house.. or mend some old house.
I have given to a CO the floor for your house. if he leave the CO he have a house whether to go.
poor CO
(In the US) I understood that some KHs added apartments where long-time COs/DOs could retire to and assist the cong. In the US, most COs probably worked secularly before getting the nod for CO and thus at 62 or 65 yrs old would have Social Security (gov't provided retirement pension, even if they were self-employed) and perhaps even a secular plan such as a 401K or union pension from their previous employer. Rarely would there be one who never was employed and thus not entitled to anything. At 65 they would get Medicare (health coverage), and if "poor" (low income, owning no property/assets -- such as living in KH apt) they could qualify for other benefits earlier on (food or utility assistance).
Mr. Falcon
Remember what happened to Boxer in Animal Farm?
Glue factory.
Then they use that glue when the bind the book spines for the new Reference Bibles.
True story.