The Ring, they did a great job on the american remake , this movie should be watch in the cinema, its the scariest movie I have seen, plot 5/5 .
What are your favorite supernatural movies?
by JimmyPage 42 Replies latest jw friends
MidwichCuckoo a Faithful JW I know it's a sin to watch these films, and I would also be bringing demons into the house via the TV/DVD (the DVD player is the modern day Ouija heard it here first) ...JUST KIDDING :) ....definitely 'JuOn' (The Grudge). I've heard Paranormal Activity is really good, but isn't it filmed 'camcorder' style? Like the Blair Witch Project? I watched that, didn't enjoy it, as I don't like this style of filming.
Lunatic Faith - speaking to a chap (a few months ago?) who'd just watched Paranormal Activity 2 at pictures, he was a nervous wreck, lol. Said it was scariest thing he'd ever seen. (I've not seen either PA films)
This song was used in the movie:
...and the song used in the movie
Lunatic Faith
MidWichcuckoo-Paranormal Activity 1 wasn't real jerky like Blair Witch. My hubby can't take those either because they give him headaches and motion sickness. He couldn't finish District 9 or Hurt Locker but didn't have any problem with PA. The editors and the camera they use seems top notch and for being a basically homemade film is surprisingly well done.
I really liked the Blair Witch Project and was sad to find out it was a hoax. I thought it was interesting and kudos to some guys for pulling off that amazing scam.
THE HAUNTING (1963 bw version)
You dont actually SEE anything. The sense of menace and evil is so palpable.
Has anybody read "The House of Doctor DEE" by Peter Ackroyd? That wd make a good scary movie.
The book was so creepy I kept looking behind me, and thought I saw things scuttling past at the edge of my vision. Even after I read it the book seemed to be watching me from the shelf. I threw it out.
Bizarre - especially as it caught my eye in a second hand bookstore, with a label on it: "NOT TO BE RETURNED"
The Shining...
(Here's Jonny!!)
It took me a while to get jeepercreepers out of my system.