I don't think nice guys lose to bad guys, dear CoCo (peace to you!). Indeed, with very few exceptions, all of the married men (and most of the single men) I know are nice guys. But to address your question, "Why women love jerks", I would like to respond that there are many reasons for this phenomenon starting with the "fear" many women have (perpetuated by society, including women... which is absurd!) that you have no value unless some man wants you (as shown by you having a man)... and so any man will do. It is further perpetuated by insecure men who can't handle rejection from women (but reject women themselves all the time - thus, the term "insecure"...) and so resort to attacking a woman's character... and value... ("Bitch!")... when their advances aren't requitted. These are archaic fears/immature reactions that need to go... once and for all.
But it doesn't stop there. Another primary reason for this phenomenon, both as to men AND women... is that we're initially attracted by what we see with our eyes... ("Ooh, he's HOT!")... "feel" in our "heart" ("Oh, he turns me on!")... or feel with our... well, you know what I mean and it ain't the heart. Especially when we're young and/or inexperienced... or desperate. We tend to assume the "inside" of the book (his, hers, ours) has some actual correlation with its outisde "cover" ("Oh, c'mon - no one THAT cute can be a serial killer! Girl, everybody knows serial killers look like Hannibal Lechter!").
In addition, a lot of folks have mastered the technique of what my daughter refers to as "sending his/her representative"... versus his/her authentic self. Particularly in U.S. dating culture. So, what you see is NOT necessarily what you get... and who you receive is NOT necessarily who actually arrived. Unfortunately, our "fast" culture isn't limited to food: many of us cannot handle being "alone" (which, as you know, isn't the same as "lonely")... and so "jump" on the first (which isn't necessarily the best) prospect that comes our way. Even if he/she isn't [being] "real".
Thirdly, we (women... and, yes, some men, but usually women)... think we can "change/save" him/her ("Yeah, okay, sure, he has a temper but I'm SO "nice" he won't be like that with ME"). Hmmmm... okayyyyyyy.
AND... a whole lot of folks tend to play by the "don't tip your entire hand" set of rules... so that you don't even know what (or rather, who) you're getting at all... until you've invested significant time, energy... and emotion... into the "friendship" ("Oh, by the way, I'm married - what, I didn't tell you that when we started dating, what, 3 years ago? Surely I did! Well, then, oops, my bad!").
All of these have something in common: they are all forms of deception... whether of self or others... from which no good can come.
What should those who are "tired" of the jerks do? First, endeavor not to BE jerks (and if you're not honest with yourself ABOUT yourself, you may well be). Second, look for qualities... and not aesthestics, FIRST. Then worry about looks. A good rule to remember is that looks... can kill. And "sparks"... can not only start a warm fire... but can burn down the whole house if unchecked.
One good quality to look for in everyone is... basic decency. Which means basically honest, respectful, honorable... with some observable measure of kindness and patience. And humor always, always helps. Then build from there. (Note, some people put humor first, and that's good, so long as we're not talking "class clown" - the last thing anyone needs is to try raise a childish adult.)
A good partner is not hard to find, really. It's when the "safari" itself is unrealistic: you want a rhino but you can really only handle a armadillo; you brought along a bazooka but you really only needed a fishing rod; you dressed as a sheep... but you're really a wolf. Wrong trip, wrong hunter, wrong prey. (Now, if you really ARE a wolf... but really are looking for a sheep... well, that's a whole other [therapy] session...).
Anyway, I would say don't give up. Rather, change a couple things, like, for example... your view. Or the location of your "hunt" (if you're searching in bars, well, guess what you're gonna get? If you're searching in churches, expect to get churchy-types. If you want someone who interested in what you're interested in... say, theater... go to the theater. Or the ballpark. Or ask friends.).
The BEST advice? Stop looking. Rather, handle it like pregnancy. Meaning, it's usually when a couple doesn't want to get pregnant that dear baby shows up. Get on with your life. Do what you enjoy and learn to enjoy being with yourself. For some reason, guys who are quite content to be alone seem to be ultimate chick magnates.
I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,