In respects to the Dubs. Would you do it all over again? What kind of things did you miss out on, accomplish? For me, I probably would because now I'm free and while in I met my wonderful wife (who is also free) of 18 years. However, although I finally finished my degree in Computer Science a couple of years ago, I feel that had I went to college when I was younger perhaps my life would have been better, though I really can't complain about my current employment. The flip side is I would have never met my wife, and who knows, perhaps things would have been worse?
In some respects the Dubs helped me to be a better speaker, and while Edison was told why bother with trying to make the light bulb, he explained that the 1,000 previous times were not failures but knowledge on not what to do again. So, given that, I know not what to do again...