Are you a fader, Df'd, DA'd, or Still In?

by brotherdan 86 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    started as a fader a year ago and then thanks to my lovely husband got outed on the board and Df'd. Got to love an organisation that would rather excommunicate you then help you lol.

    Way I figure it though is the organisation I got baptised into bears no relationship to JWs today so they can't technically Df me at all. In addition I don't remember making a private dedication to Jehovah so my baptism was just a swim with support not an outward sign of a private committment. So again I wasn't officially baptised. Just semantics but the organisation is mad as a box of frogs anyway.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I was well and truly "Sent to Coventry" some sixteen years ago, and have made sure that I stayed that way ever since!


  • ambersun

    my baptism was just a swim with support

    Love it, Nugget. Mine was hardly any better as I was a victim of the "give 'em a 6 month bible study then baptise 'em or forget 'em" regime of the 1960s.

    (((((Amelia))))) bless you, and so glad you are finding comfort and support on this board. To think all us cold, wicked, stone hearted apostates are showing you the love you never got from 'God's chosen people'. Speaks volumes doesn't it!!!!

  • cantleave

    Filthy, demonised, detestable apostate here - and loving it.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Am in the process of fading. Hoping to continue. I would prefer to avoid being Df'd. If it came to that I would prefer to DA myself so it was a choice rather than a disciplinary action, but with the change in how such things are announced the cong. doesn't know if it's voluntary or disciplinary.

    I wonder if that's not part of the reason they chose to change the policy. I remember hearing many a Df'ing and always assuming some kind of wrongdoing was involved, but there were very few DA'ings. When ever someone did that it would always make me wonder. Why would someone voluntarily leave the only true organization? Ha, now I know.

    Is it possible, as time progresses, DA'ings have become more and more frequent. The rank and file might have been asking too many uncomfortable questions. Now with the announcement reduced to one simple statement no matter how the person leaves, people have no idea what happened. And it is people's tendency to believe everyone kicked out committed fornication--at least that's what I always thought.

    Hmmm. Sorry if my post seems to ramble. It's after 2am and I am trying to stay awake because we have to leave for the airport in a little over two hours. We're going to Vegas, baby! I am going to gamble for the first time in my life!! Don't worry, I'm setting a limit.

  • punkofnice

    I 'woke up' around march10. In may I announced to my family that I wasn't going back to the meetings. They didn't join me and are more zealous now than when I was an elder!!! *SIGH*.

    I'm not DF and won't DA as I no longer recognize the Borg's authority.

    I wouldn't say I'm exactly a fader more of a 'lights out' guy!

    I've told the elders not to contact me................although they have tried............for 'apostacy'..........without 2 witnesses. I recon they want to do a bit of a 'tidy up' and get rid of me as I'm an embarassment to them for the way I just LEFT!

  • Lozhasleft

    After 30 years in the Org they Dfd me when I was dealing with awful stress of divorce/homelessness with my youngest daughter...I was repentant but they didnt believe it nearly destroyed me, but I'm glad that they did it now, because I went on to discover the truth about the 'truth'. Its cost me my 5 adult children and all my friends but I have a new life now, with freedom of thought and speech and a happy marriage. Reading CofC was the final closure on any doubts for me.

    Loz x

  • kimbo

    I go to the memorial

    can any one go after reading CoC

    and barbra anderson

    silent lambs


    internet is only assocation i get with true christians [that is you people here]

    other than family.

    all Hail the Governing Body.

  • maksym

    ... No need to DA for me, their game, their rules, and I'm not in their game. -quote from Blondie

    Been out for maybe 8 years or more. But I don't recognise their authority or labeling in any way, like Blondie said.

    I'm just a former member of the Watchtower Corporation and their affiliates.

  • onemore

    Fading, will not DA. As others have said, that's their rules and they have no authority over me, so I will not be part of their little game. And if I do DA, it will do it by sending letters (and /or emails) & calls to all of my JW acquaintances, not to the BOE.

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