Hi lou bou to, Good Topic!
This would be my take on the question. "Yes", we should be responsible for our actions when it especially involves people. Let me paint this picture for you. Imagine!!
You are disfellowshipped for sinning against God, and you are sitting in the back row as you have been for months. And after many months, Jesus walks in the Hall (which he wouldn't) and says to you "Brother! Good to see you, what a pleasure to see you." The Brother says: "Oh Lord, I am not worthy to speak with you." Jesus then says "Why are you not worthy? Brother says: Well, I am disfellowshipped for sinning even though I was truly repentant, I have to sit in the back and prove myself. I have been sitting in the back for months. Jesus says: By whose authority did they remove you? Brother says: Those men up front, they say the spirit directed organization has rules to protect the flock from people like me.
I would do anything to see what happens next.
Jesus at one time made a whip of ropes and drove the cattle and sheep out of the Temple, turned over the money changers, the money brokers in their seats, and overturned their tables. In the case that I just presented , it would certainly be interesting to see how HE would handle such merciless men. To hold back a repentant individual from the fold would only cause discouragement and sadness.
As my Father once told me, he said that when he sat in on a JC, and the person in front of them was repentant and/or in tears, He felt that he had no choice but to believe and take that persons word. How could I not? In 99% of all cases, it was a sin. You can still love God and still sin. 1% of people are those that absolutely defy God and Christ altogether. Naturally, You would want to protect the Flock. As a witness, I always gave a smily or happy grin to say "Its OK! Hang in there!" when he or she was DF'ed. As a MS, it didn't bother me then, there were times when I would park my Truck 3 or 4 blocks away from the individual and walk thru peoples back yard and climb fences to visit a DF person. Well, the short story is half my family has been out for over 2 decades and I pray every day the other half will soon get free. I do see slight glimmers of hope.
Happy Trails, Truth and Justice