I'm tired of beening asked to take surveys

by I quit! 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Yesterday I went to Barnes and Noble and bought something. Today I get an email from Barnes and Noble asking me to take a survey about my experience. I was to receive a coupon for completing it. So I think ok for Barnes and Noble I'll do it. But it turns out to be pages long. There are way too many questions about what I read, where, when etc... After a while I feel like they are just being nosey. Why do they need so much information on me? Besides that I have other things to do so I give up. This isn't the first time I've got one of these prying surveys from a company and stopped half way through.

    Another thing along this line that bothers me is that everytime I make purchase and it doesn't seem to matter what it is the clerk asks me to go online and take a survey to let the company know how they are doing. What bugs me about this is that the clerks jobs seems to be effected by whether or not I take the survey and what I say about them. I don't need that kind of responsiblity pinned on me. All I wanted to do was buy a pastry or a pair of socks. Why do I need to take a test everytime I do this? Why don't they just do it the old fashion way like paying attention to how your employees act on the job and by observing how long it takes for customers to be waited on. If customers are waiting too long maybe they need to add another register or train their people better. They should be able to figure this out for themselves without making the customers do their job for them.

    And what if I'm a jerk like some of these trolls online. I can fill one of these surveys out and use it as a way to harass someone who's just trying to earn a living. This just doesn't seem like a good way to do business.

  • boyzone

    How tired are you really of taking surveys?

    a) not tired at all

    b) a little bit tired

    c) tired but not too tired to take the free pen

    d) very tired - in fact so tired that we should piss off before you get really annoyed.

  • Finally-Free

    I don't complete surveys. I used to, but I stopped when one company offered me a gift for completing a half hour survey and never delivered on the gift. Other companies offer coupons or discounts for products or services I have no use for. I can't be bothered.


  • NewChapter

    Their goal is targetted marketing. You take the survey, they gather very specific information, then they can target you with specific marketing. They do it with those discount cards too. Or, have you ever received coupons at the register? The computer reads what you are buying, and then it knows what coupons to give you hoping to bring you back.

    Have you ever been asked your zip code or phone number at a register? If you give a zip code, and you pay with a credit card, they can find you and market to you based on what you bought. I read an article that said it is surprising how few people share the same name within a zip code. If they have your zip code and your name, chances are, they will be able to locate you. And of course, if they ask your phone number, that's a whole lot more info they have on you.

    I make it a practice not even to give my zipcode. Sometimes they try and bully it out of you by claiming the card reader will not take the card without a zip code. They will claim it is to prevent fraud. This is untrue, and the real reason they are asking is to tailor their marketing. I will punch in a fake or simply wrong zip code, and it works every time. Proof that the system is not there to prevent fraud, but to get info on me.

    So, never EVER think they are trying to be nice. Corporate America has lost its soul, (figuratively speaking) and it's kind of us against them in these matters. They aren't the friendly druggist on the corners anymore.

  • straightshooter

    Thanks for the info newchapter. Never thought about the zipcode request. I tend to not answer surveys because they are too frequest and too long.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    LOL Boyzone.

    me too IQuit.

  • cyberjesus

    Uhmm If I may offer a suggestion.....

    Dont take them

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    How tired are you really of taking surveys?

    a) not tired at all

    b) a little bit tired

    c) tired but not too tired to take the free pen

    d) very tired - in fact so tired that we should piss off before you get really annoyed.

    I go with (b)

    No (d) or make that (c) I want the pen

  • Qcmbr

    One of our LDS missionary scams was to pretend to survey people in the town centre about how they felt about family, God etc.

    I am so ashamed.

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    So, never EVER think they are trying to be nice. Corporate America has lost its soul, (figuratively speaking) and it's kind of us against them in these matters. They aren't the friendly druggist on the corners anymore

    Good point New Chapter.

    I know for a fact that customer loyalty crap can really be abused. This was a while back but here in my area So. California the Huntington Beach Police Department used Lucky Supermarkets records of who shopped there to arrest people they were looking for that had warrants out on them. I'm sure some people that was a good thing but to me it seem right out of 1984. I don't remember what ever came of them doing that.

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