Uhmm If I may offer a suggestion.....
Dont take them
by I quit! 20 Replies latest jw friends
Uhmm If I may offer a suggestion.....
Dont take them
I never had that happen Qc but I did have a Mormon trick me into an Amway meeting one time.
Very good money is paid to people to do surveys. If they want my opinion, they can pay me the going rate.
Tim Russert had a program on marketing on Meet the Press shortly before his death. He said that research showed that party affiliation had nothing to do with ideology and was a lifestyle choice. People think it is ideology. Research has showed that different consumer products are purchased by Dems and other GOPs. They went throug a long list of items, such as toothpaste, moutwash, trash bags, shampoo, soda, laundry detergent. I did not believe their thesis. As the list went on, I realize I purchased Dem for every single item. Russert was middle of the road. Coke is Dem, Pepsi-
GOP. It upset me. With this info, campaigns can single out isolated voters who live in districts surrounded by neighbors of the opposing party. This info is worth millions of dollars in get out the vote efforts. Creepy. If I did not do the list, I never would believe it.
As I go about, I notice what attracts me. My NY Eastern progressive aesthetics are being played big time. Furthermore, I will pay extra for the privilege. Weird.
I just recieved $10 for doing surveys. I'll answer all the surveys they want if I get cold hard cash for it. They even sent it to my PayPal account for me.
I choose which ones to do. They tell me ahead of tiome how long the survey might take so I can decide if I want to do it or not.
This was a while back but here in my area So. California the Huntington Beach Police Department used Lucky Supermarkets records of who shopped there to arrest people they were looking for that had warrants out on them.
My brother refuses to get discount cards, because he says one day health insurance companies will one day buy the info from grocery stores and refuse to cover people based on their diet. I'm not sure if that will happen. Of course, if the new health care reform in the USA sticks, that won't be such a scary issue. Still, with your story, it makes me wonder.
They tell me ahead of tiome how long the survey might take so I can decide
That's good because some of the one I have started don't. They just seem to go on and on so after a while I just say forget it and quit.
Band on the Run. I don't prefer Coke over Pepsi but if I have a diet soft drink I don't like diet Coke so I drink diet Pepsi. Maybe that explains why I thought Ronald Reagan's trickle down theory would work back in the 80's.
I also drink regular Coke but prefer diet Pepsi to diet Coke. So what does that make me?
Interesting thread.
I remember going up to the check out register in some places with cash in hand, and they start to ask all the personal questions for data-purposes.
"What's your phone number? Zip code? Email address?" I used to say "I am not interested in participating" and they would tell me "It's necessary." The argument to follow about not paying by credit or check allows me to avoid the 'necessary' part of it." They would stick to their argument.
So now I answer with stupid made-up information. What's your email address? - [email protected]. Phone number?- 312-555-1234. I get stares but they plug it in.
My wife used to fill out stuff for prizes and we would always "win" something, but not the Cadillac. We would get calls and letters and emails about claiming our prize.
I would love to drop off the radar completely when I retire, choosing who can find me.
If they asked me too many questions, i would simply leave my stuff on the counter and walk out. One time, when the clerks were preening their hair instead of passing the customers through, i got tired of waiting in line. I simply put my stuff down on the floor and walked out past the lineup. That's the bottom line, imo. Be ready to go elsewhere, or come back another time.