Jesus Potter and the Muggles of Gullibility.
by whereami 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This video was hilarious. I needed a great laugh.
Someone once told me that Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company here in America. I mean just because his name is on those cars doesn't make it true. Likewise just because every invention, piece of technology and thing we use in everyday life already exists in some manner in nature and mankind merely copied what was already there, in no way means there is a vast intelligence somewhere that we can barely grasp who made it all. The very idea is just too absurd to even consider. Of course these incredibly complex designs and forms of life that our brightest human minds have only begun to unlock in no way means that they couldn't of all happened by chance. Of course they did!
To even consider for a moment that there is a God to which we are all accountable to is bordering on insanity.
Logic and science says there has to be proof. I can tell you that I have never walked outside my door everyday and seen a a beautiful complex world with myrriads of lifeforms existing in a balanced ecosytem being sustained by interdependence upon one another. It just isn't there.
There are no universal laws that keep the planet's axis balanced at a certain angle, no fixed amount of time in which the earth circles the sun, no weird cosmic force that keeps humans planted squarely upon the ground instead of floating off into space.
Last of all there is no book that was given to mankind that explains a lot of this and gives scientific data on the shape of the earth, the watercycle and the formation of life, not to mention certain historical events that, although doubted at first by the scientific community later proved to be true.
It simply doesn't exist.
Oh and in case you missed it. Yes, I am mocking you.
LOL... I missed it, sort of. I was all ????? Twilight Zone???
Kay, now I'll go watch the video.
Is it called a strawman, when someone sets up a comparison that is easy to take down, but it has nothing to do with the premise? If so, then that is what the Harry Potter thing is.
First, HP is a fictional book. Everyone knows this, including the author. The bible is a book about the REAL beliefs and/or experiences of the people who wrote it.
However, I do agree that the bible itself does not prove that there is a God.
Tammy - was the Shepherd of Hermas a work of fiction or fact? This video does not use a strawman. It isn't proving no god. I know the bible is fictional so I counter your unfounded assertion that the bible is about 'REAL beliefs' and suggest that the bible is about UNREAL beliefs (such as the belief in a Global Flood, talking snakes and magic all you can eat buffets.)
Awen - gibberish - sorry. To spell it out for you simply the video makes the simple claim that having a book as your only evidence for the Jehovah god is not good enough. The video does not say that there is no god at all, just that the god postulated by the bible is backed up only by the bible itself. The evidences you cited are not arguments for Jehovah (they aren't arguments at all but I don't need to point dissect each one for you) since everything you mushed around with could equally be explained by a powerful intergalactic wizard.
was the Shepherd of Hermas a work of fiction or fact?
I don't know what that is, sorry.
I know the bible is fictional so I counter your unfounded assertion that the bible is about 'REAL beliefs' and suggest that the bible is about UNREAL beliefs (such as the belief in a Global Flood, talking snakes and magic all you can eat buffets.)
Are you asserting that the people who wrote the books of the bible did not believe in these things? The people who wrote the bible did not believe in the flood, or the miracles of Christ, etc? They just wrote to entertain?
Tammy - I'm asserting that the people who wrote or sponsored the writing of the bible had an agenda but it was nothing to do with reality and everything to do with power and influence. Nobody saw an angel flying about announcing the virgin birth and there was no census at the supposed time of that birth however, when the gospels got written (along with all the other mythical religious stuff like Hermas) those got includd in with all the other hearsay and chinese whispers. The bible is packed with writings about past events that none of the authors had experienced but that the authors wanted to say themselves (hence we get made up stories such as the woman taken in adultery inserted badly into an earlier story.)
There may well have been an itinerant preacher named Jesus (odd if there wasnt considering how many there were over the years) but all the miracles and pithy sayings are later additions which are added in a haphazard attempt to match earlier OT prophecy and to give legitemacy to the branch of Christianity that wrote / edited them. But for the luck of history you could be worshipping as an Ebionite or an Adoptionist but the fates had it that - what we know call Orthodoxy - won through (being based and funded from Rome was of course a big help!) You'd have had a whole different bible if the Gnostics had got to write it!
I understand what you're saying. But that is a whole other thing. Is the bible a fraud, or did the writers really believe the things they wrote?
It still does not compare with the Harry Potter stories, because that book is a fiction... there is no controversy there. One author wrote a work of fiction to entertain.
So that you understand the simple point that I was trying to make, I would argue that any writings about Greek gods/goddesses way back when (when the people BELIEVED in them), or the Quran, or the Hindu holy book(s) could also not be compared to a work of fiction such as Harry Potter.
Would Harry Potter be any more real if anyone actually believed it? Of course not. I do not think that many people would believe in the bible if they weren't taught to believe it. I contend that given a school of impressionable children I could easily get them to believe in Harry Potter and given a few generations there would be a new cult born.
..if you think I'm talking rubbish I point you to Scientology.
Editor Sam Merwin, for example, recalled a meeting: "I always knew he was exceedingly anxious to hit big money—he used to say he thought the best way to do it would be to start a cult." (December 1946) Writer and publisher Lloyd Arthur Eshbach reported Hubbard saying "I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is." Writer Theodore Sturgeon reported that Hubbard made a similar statement at the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. Likewise, writer Sam Moskowitz reported in an affidavit that during an Eastern Science Fiction Association meeting on November 11, 1948, Hubbard had said "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion." Milton A. Rothman also reported to his son Tony Rothman that he heard Hubbard make exactly that claim at a science fiction convention. In 1998, an A&E documentary titled "Inside Scientology" shows Lyle Stuart reporting that Hubbard stated repeatedly that to make money, "you start a religion."