The good thing about many former JWs on this site, is that they (many of them at least) are interested in proof, rational logic, evidence, facts, and ultimately truth - even if it supercedes their presuppositions from their cultural/religious background.
What is interesting, is how there are a few die-hard "christians" that were never JWs but post thousands of times trying to push/defend their Christian beliefs, but never post any evidence whatsoever as to how those beliefs could be tested and proven true. The good thing about having been a JW, is that there comes a point when a real truth seeker, starts trying to back up their beliefs with facts and evidence. Ultimately they see JWs don't have the proof to back their claims, and decide that any other belief system presented to them, needs to demonstrate real hard truthful evidence as well.
The never-been-a-JW christian, doesn't seem to have such a desire. I remember chalam, thought this place was his assigned territory by the Lord and that the ridiculous fake tongue speakers and healer videos on youtube were proof that we should all believe. He really thought of himself as some kind of online pastor to all these poor JWs that were leaving the org due to lack of evidence. and yet, his stuff was as nutty or or worse than JWs - certainly lacking any fact-based evidence.
If there's one thing I'm glad about being raised a JW, it's that they did teach (even if they didn't really mean it) to prove to yourself what you believe. Even if that has back-fired on them, I'm thankful for it. Had I been born a fundamentalist or of some other faith based credulous christian belief system, I may never have tried that hard to prove what I believe was true. I probably would have just accepted that the geographic area and culture of the world I was born in was the right one when it came to religous beliefs.
But I am glad that such ones, whether former JWs or not, come here and push their beliefs despite not having any evidence for such beliefs. It's good to be reminded that JWs aren't the only ones in this world who think make-believe stories are true - despite no evidence whatsoever. For that, I thank you.