The Pressure Is On to Pioneer in April

by dontplaceliterature 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • dontplaceliterature

    I know there have already been a couple of threads posted about this, but I thought it made since to bring it up again. I hadn't really heard any "Oh my what a blessing, are you pioneering in April?" talk right after the big announcement last month. However, as suspected, it is becoming a huge topic of converstaion at the meetings now. My Service Overseer seems to find a way to mention it in every single one of his comments.

    Our local needs part was scrapped this week so that he could get up on stage and encourage everyone to Auxillary for at least 30 hours in April. He kept asking "by show of hands" questions regarding the audiences love for Jesus, including "Would you die for Jesus?" Then, of course, he compared the Governing Body's request for 30 hour pioneers to a lot less of a sacrafice than "dying for Jesus", and yet most raised their hands that they would die for him. I found it interesting though, that he never mentioned the Governing Body or "Faithful Slave" once during the whole part. He kept saying "Jesus" is asking us to do this.

    I kid you not, he had the mic handlers pass out an Auxillary Pioneer application to every baptized person in attendance along with suggested schedules printed on the back, and asked us to put them on our refridgerator and pray about it. If that is not pressure, I don't know what is. What ever happened to the Scriptural suggestion in the announcement letter? "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under cumpulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." -- (2 Corinthians 9:7)

    What is more, we had our Circuit Overseer's visit not too long ago, and he also ratcheted up the pressure to Auxillary Pioneer in April. One talk during the week in particular focused on our level of committment to The Ministry. He spoke about being in a "Saturday Only Field Service Rut," and said that we should always be striving to do more in the service of others as ministers. However, he convenienctly neglected to point out that ministers do a lot of other things besides go door-to-door pushing literature. He ACTUALLY SAID that "Armageddon is coming and if that's not incentive to do more in the service of Jehovah, I don't know what is."

    He went on to point out that we should never be satisfied with what we are doing now, and should always be striving for more. He mentioned a talk on a District Convention from 1981 where these questions were asked:

    "If you are a single person without Scriptural obligations, can you justify before Jehovah why you are not in the full-time service?"

    "If you are a married couple without Scriptural obligations, can you justify why one or both of you are not in the full-time service?"

    "If you are a retired person without Scriptural obligations, can you justify before Jehovah why you are not in the full-time service?"

    Towards the end of the talk, he made a statement that really got my blood boiling. He said: "Would you expect The End to come when Jehovah has got more people than ever involved in the Pioneer work? Could it happen in April?"

    MiseryLovesElders mentioned in a previous thread on this same topic that he somewhat suspected that this April Pioneer Drive could be on some level a sort of "weeding out process," for the mechanical witnesses and faders. In that same thread, I agreed. Whether this is an effort by the Governing Body to weed out people or not, I don't know. It probably isn't. However, there will certainly be some sort of sub-conscience "marking" of the individuals who do not sign up, by the rest of the congregation. Those who do not sign up will either be viewed as weak, rebellious, our lazy. If this Pioneer Drive becomes a repeated effort in the future, this will no doubt compound the problem.

    I certainly do not intend to sign up in April. Field Service is a complete waste of time, I struggle justifying the time I spend in the ministry already, let alone spending 30 hours. A young man in my congregation who has been Regular Pioneering for about a year mentioned to me last weekend that he feels like it is a total waste of time, and he hates it. So I said to him: "Go off the list. Jehovah doesn't want you to do anything your heart isn't into."

    He's 17. I advised him that he should be preparing for college anyway, and if he decides not to go, at least he'll have the option if he's applied for Financial Aid and Scholarships. Good kid, smart kid, and definitely has some potential to wake up. However, I tried to keep quiet as much as possible. I don't want to be responsible for "polluting" a teenager against the organization. If there is anything that would get me accused of apostasy and df'd fast, it would be that, I think.

    Anyhow, I'm off to do something else. Thoughts?

  • MrFreeze

    I can only imagine how they are playing it up in my old hall. They usually get a ton of people to pioneer anyway by guilting them into it. 20 less hours to get. I can just picture the local needs talk. "Have you turned in your slip? If not, what's your freaking problem?" They may not put it like that but they'll use other words to say the same thing.

  • miseryloveselders

    He ACTUALLY SAID that "Armageddon is coming and if that's not incentive to do more in the service of Jehovah, I don't know what is."

    He went on to point out that we should never be satisfied with what we are doing now, and should always be striving for more. He mentioned a talk on a District Convention from 1981 where these questions were asked:

    "If you are a single person without Scriptural obligations, can you justify before Jehovah why you are not in the full-time service?"

    "If you are a married couple without Scriptural obligations, can you justify why one or both of you are not in the full-time service?"

    "If you are a retired person without Scriptural obligations, can you justify before Jehovah why you are not in the full-time service?"

    Towards the end of the talk, he made a statement that really got my blood boiling. He said: "Would you expect The End to come when Jehovah has got more people than ever involved in the Pioneer work? Could it happen in April?"

    Beautiful stuff man, ya gotta love it. What's funny is, he mentioned that Armageddon is coming soon and because of that we have an incentive to become full time pioneers. Right after that for material support, he mentions a talk from a District Convention from back in 1981? Talk about mixed messages.......In case he fails to realize, its 2011, and for the past 100 years Armageddon has been right around the corner.

    As far as why anyone can justify not being involved in the full time service, I can think of one reason..............its not scriptural. We don't know how many hours any of the 1st Century Christians spent preaching. There's enough evidence to indicate not all 1st Century Christians were involved with the door to door work. You gotta love how this religion took the example of the Apostle Paul who lived the life of a missionary, yet this religion makes it seem like all Christians were doing exactly what he was doing. They're full of crap, and they're a bunch of scumbags for pressuring their flock in this fashion. The word or term Pioneer isn't even in the scriptures, neither is Auxilliary, Special Pioneer, Regular Pioneer, Bethelite, Governing Body, Writing Department, Legal Department, and a million other things this religion pressures their flock to aspire towards.

  • DanaBug

    Reading that made me feel anxious! The pressure's on, no doubt about it. What's that scripture that says no one should do anything unless they're convinced it's the right thing to do because unless they're convinced, it's not faith?

    And good advice you gave the 17 yr old. Maybe remind him that they use lawyers, doctors, and engineers at bethel. They had to go to college to be used at bethel. Isn't that a "blessing" from Jehovah?

    ETA: I find it sooo creepy to say the direction comes from Jesus and ask people if they would die for Jesus. Blech! Makes me wonder if they're priming them for something.

  • dontplaceliterature

    Shameless bump.

  • jookbeard

    as my good friend and one of the most knowledgeable posters on here says; LWT, fake it, it's so easy.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Back in 1981, we still believed in the 70-80 year "generation", USSR was "King of the North", the UN would destroy religion, and the world was headed to hell in handbasket, so there was no way the world could last until 1994!

    The world has changed since then, and their prophecies have expired... the only thing they have left is to keep pounding the message that the end is near. When pressed for evidence, they just have, "conditions are worsening and the FDS says the end is near". In order to prevent the R&F from questioning, they have to keep them as busy as possible wasting time preaching their false prophecies.

  • EmptyInside

    All they're going to do the first two weeks of April is pass out invitations to the Memorial. It's a good fake knocking kind of service. But, I don't even do that anymore.

    I guess they realize that no one is going to increase their service activity, unless, they sign a piece of paper and get their name read so everyone can applaud.

  • cyberjesus

    I just came to say hello, What is a Pioneer?

  • skeeter1

    More proof they are bleeding followers....

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