Thanks. You would think there are underlying issues going on, but there aren't.
It is out of the blue but follows his behavior for a few years now.
Yes, I have an idea that cutting me off and telling her his family is dead would make it so she couldn't check out his story and he could just keep lying and lying.
No, I did nothing.
Yes, I am not pursuing this at all.
Yes, I am hurt beyond description.
No, I'm quite sure he is not on drugs as he is obsessed with getting into the military and also hates drugs, anyway.
What liar wants their story revealed? When someone is using someone else, don't they want the gig to go on and on as long as possible?
Hard to do if there are lots of family members willing to stand up and tell someone the real truth.
The worst I ever did to him was make him go to school when he didn't want to go.
I got him into counseling but he resisted and was 17 at the time, almost old enough to say no.